Saturday, 21 April 2012

Choosing Your Bridal Makeup Artist

All brides are going to look stunning on their wedding day. Whether a friend has applied the makeup or a professional makeup artist has; however sometimes bad things happen and thing don't go quite according to plan. The hair might fall out of place or come un-done all together the makeup may be too heavy or to light Murphy's law is sometimes more powerful then the best wedding day planner money can buy. Here are a few tips when choosing your makeup artist for your big day.


1. DO a trial, reviews are great, recommendations are great, but your face is NOT your friends face, your skin may react differently to the exact same makeup look that you so loved on your best friends wedding day!!

2. Your makeup artistis on trial, not you. Extract every little bit of information out of them! "will the makeup run if it rains?", "Will it crack in the heat?" don't be scared to ask anything and everything, your paying top dollar and if your not happy with what your getting make sure you let them know why!

3. Trial the different looks, have a back up plan, water proof foundation "in case it rains" may look completely different to all day foundation. pay the extra $65.00 - $100.00 for the extra trial run their is no point spending thousands on a photographer to look like a clown on your wedding day because the makeup didn't last when you had a teary moment or it was so hot that your sweat left streaks in your foundation and blush.

4. Let your makeup artist know if you will look different on your wedding day e.g. if your going to have a fake tan on your wedding day you are going to need a completely different foundation and concealer, in fact you may need a completely new look!! The same goes for your hair color don't expect that your eye shadow will look the same if you're a brunette on the trial and a blonde on your wedding day!


The look and color you choose for your big day will ultimately depend on your personal preference; however let your makeup artist recommend a few things "you don't go to a doctor to tell them how you want to cure a cold, you go because they have the experience a knowledge on how to do it better then you do!" Some points to consider when you are choosing what look, you ultimately go for.

1. The time of the ceremony are you having a day or night wedding? A lighter, more natural look is better suited to a day wedding and a more dramatic look is better suited to a night wedding.

2. What time of year is your wedding? If you are having a Spring/Summer wedding, go for bright, pastel look. Warm, deeper shades will be better presented for a winter wedding.

3. If you are Blond or fair skinned, cool tones of grey, blue, soft pink and lilac are ideal.

4. If you are a brunette or olive skinned, warm neutral tones of brown, taupe, burgundy & red are more suited.

5. Remember your make up should be a little more dramatic than your everyday make-up, flash photography can tend to make the subject look more pale and wash-out the makeup in photos.

Take your time in choosing, ask the questions, get the answers, A Makeup Artist that agrees to everything you have to say may not be the right one for you. If you have all the answers and know how to do it why are you paying top dollar for a pro?

I recommend checking out Jane - Wedding Makeup Artist Sydney, one of the top Bridal Makeup Artist today. More review at and

See the original source here


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