Wednesday, 16 May 2012

How to wear lace front wigs

How to wear lace front wigs

Lace front wigs are high-quality handmade that happens to be extremely popular with celebrities and high-profile personalities. The thing that makes these wigs so unique is the fact that they are manufactured with real hair. Lace front wigs usually attached with the assistance of glues and tapes, which are applied to the front hairline area. Once the glue has dried, the front lace portion of the wig is affixed to the area where the glue has been applied on the hairline, creating a tight bond which keeps the lace wig in place.Lace front wigs are becoming extremely popular, because of their natural look and styling versatility. They look more realistic than traditional.

The target is to find the location where the hairline looks most natural. Regularly starting trimming the extra lace, the target here is to create your hairline, only cut small amounts off at any given time. After you have created your hairline, apply adhesive to the hairline, so it can stay on your head. The finished hairline may need to look totally natural, as if the hair were actually growing from your head.

It is important to understand hair types. This keeps the hair cuticles all aligned in the same direction. Hair texture varies, and the most natural look is obtained by choosing a texture that is complimentary to your own natural hair.

Using both of your hands, stretch the cap open and place the wig on your head starting in the front and pull the back down. If you need to make any minor adjustments, just gently pull on the wig to make sure it is on properly.
Once in its place, determine how much lace you want to leave around the hairline. Remove the wig and cut the extra lace off. Make any final adjustments before applying the adhesive.
Learning how to properly apply lace front wig is very important. To look natural, you need to create a clean, natural looking front hairline, especially when styling the hair away from the face. This is done by applying the front-laced wig to the hairline using special adhesive or tape. It might take some practice to learn how to do this so that it appears natural.
Once you have picked out your perfect lace front wig, before putting it on, be sure your hair is out of the way. If you have long hair, pin it up as close to your scalp as possible. More review at and

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