Friday, 29 June 2012

My Butt Is Flat, How Can I Make It Bigger?

Getting a bigger butt requires a disciplined approach to fitness and diet. Your body's appearance is estimated to be 30% fitness and 70% diet. By sculpting your lifestyle to support a beautiful body with a nice butt, you can then focus on creating a fitness routine specially designed to give you a bigger butt. If you want to get an hourglass figure, with a smaller waist and bigger butt and hips, you'll have to live like you already have one - in both your dietary and fitness habits.

Your diet has to be on point in order to capitalize on your bigger butt workout results, so we'll discuss this first. The best diet for maintaining a beautiful, balanced weight that works with your body is a clean one. Clean eating minimizes your body's exposure to artificial foodstuffs and preservatives by promoting clean and unprocessed foods. This type of eating keeps you full and satisfied and helps you whisk excess fat away.

I know it sounds counterintuitive - trying to lose as much fat as possible from your body when you're trying to get a bigger butt. However, it's not. You cannot shape fat, only muscle, so any excess fat you lose will not have an impact on your quest for a bigger butt. Keeping it on only impedes your results, making them hard to notice (because they're hidden under all that useless fat). To learn more about clean eating, I recommend Tosca Reno's Eat Clean series. You only need to have the first book, but all of her books are very good.

Now on to the good stuff!

Exercise is a 30 percent of your butt-building needs, but it's still a very important component to getting a bigger butt. Butt enhancement exercises, done properly, shape your muscles to give you that high, round rear end silhouette you're going for.

One of my favorite exercise programs for a nice, perky bubble butt is Pauline Nordin's Butt Bible workout. Ladies who want to get a bigger butt swear by this program because Nordin, a bodybuilder, isolates your butt muscles in her easy to follow exercise routines. Furthermore, the program has 3 levels to follow, helping you mix up your workouts so that you don't get bored.

In addition to the Butt Bible, you can get a butt performing kettlebell exercises. Kettlebells, which look like cast iron cannonballs with handles, are great for strength training, conditioning and fat loss. Kettlebell programs for women are a growing trend that's not going away anytime soon. A consistent routine with your kettlebell will increase your energy and help you shape and build your glutes, especially when you're performing moves such as kettlebell swings, deadlifts and cleans.

Getting an hourglass figure with a larger behind, as you can see, requires work, especially if you're looking for natural ways to make your butt bigger. While you can get a bigger butt with products such as maca root powder and wild yam, there is no magic pill available to do all the work for you. You'll have to eat right and exercise, using supplements, shapewear and perhaps cosmetic surgery (like the famous Brazilian Butt Lift).

Ok - so you're body isn't as bootylicious and curvaceous as you want it to be - but I'm going to help you fix that! From exercise techniques to body enhancements like padded panties, waist cinchers and more - you'll look like a modern day pin-up girl with the perfect hourglass figure to match! Come check me out today!

>> How to Get a Bigger Butt <<

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