Friday, 29 June 2012

Perfume Is An Essential

Women's perfume is now an essential part of any woman's wardrobe of accessories. Perfumes are no longer seen as something only the very rich wear or a splash of something fragrant and gorgeous to wear to a society event. Perfumes, scents and fragrances are nowadays worn by women everywhere from every possible background and all age ranges. Even men wear fragrances today and they smell great.

The market for women's perfume is huge and is now such a multi billion pound industry it is hard to imagine a world without perfumes. Go into any large store and a good section of the ground floor, usually fairly close to the entrance, will be devoted to beauty products and perfumes. Individual shops, selling a wide range of designer brands in perfumes and cosmetics have now sprung up and it is rare to go into a high street chemist without seeing perfumes close to the front and on display everywhere. In addition, the marketing for women's fragrances hits us everywhere we go. Step outside your door, open a magazine, go online or switch on the television and it will only be a matter of minutes before you see a large bill poster, or advertisement, showing off a well known perfume brand. Demand more than matches this supply; it seems few of us will now even go to the office without a few drops of fragrance.

What is it that attracts so many women to perfume? Often it is the simple inspiration that wearing a fragrance can give. Modern women like to feel empowered, beautiful and oozing self confidence. Interestingly the very first famous women's fragrance was designed in 1921. This was made up of many of the same ingredients that are still used today: ylang-ylang, vetiver, rose, sandalwood and jasmine. Of course, the original ingredients have now been replaced with synthetic fragrances. In addition certain stimulating additives such as pheromones are added. These have proved to trigger emotions.

Fashion and style now have their place in the heady world of fragrance, not just the scent itself. Memory also comes into play as many people find that if a particular scent evokes a strong memory from the past, then this can easily create a connection to a happy or comforting event in the past. There is no doubt about it, wearing perfume and scent can help us to feel warm and positive which can be no bad thing.

Writing about fragrances, Zoe Robinson aims to provide readers with informative knowledge into her experience gained within this area and offer readers the chance to view a website she has experienced positively. View a range of womens perfume today.

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eula_w said...

I love perfume so much. This thing I can't live without especially my women pheromones. :)

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