Saturday, 30 June 2012

Plastic Surgeons - How to Use Technology to Your Advantage

Beauty has always been the focus of attraction for mankind and the perfect face upon a perfect body has always been considered the epitome of beauty and attraction. And such laying of importance to superficial beauty could not be more pronounced than in today's world. In every walk of life a certain preference, a partial treatment is meted out to a good looking person over one who is not so. Often, you can get that extra edge over your competitor in clinching a business deal just because your investor liked how your negotiator looks. And how many times have we heard both guys and girls crooning over pretty girl or the handsome guy they met on the road? All these considered, we can say that beauty has become more of a necessity than a vanity. Now, many people are naturally endowed with the stunning looks, the glittering eyes or the perfect nose, but many are not so lucky. Some might be born with physical defects or might have acquired them through some disease or accident. But why should that rob them of a fair chance at life. That is why plastic surgery has vastly grown in popularity over the last few years and involves correction of physical features and restoration of form to the body by either invasive or non invasive techniques.

Plastic surgery includes a large number of processes: abdominoplasty or operation of the stomach to reduce its size, which is usually undergone by the obese; rhinoplasty or operation of the human nose to restore its proper shape and form; otoplasty, whereby the ears are operated upon to make them symmetrical; blepharoplasty or reshaping of the eyelids; liposuction, surgical implants and many others. But, with the growing popularity of plastic surgery, there has arisen a dearth of good plastic surgeons. As result, the existing plastic surgeons need to perform more efficiently and handle a large number of patients.

This demands optimum use of technology by these surgeons right from the moment of a patient seeking appointment till the treatment and finally the discharge of the patient. As far as the process is concerned, it is under constant research and upgradation. The latest focus is on non invasive techniques for various surgeries. Be it liposuction or a breast implant or any other corrective surgery, the surgeon must keep himself up to date with the latest developments in the corresponding field.

He should also incorporate the latest equipments and medicines to his arsenal. But the major part which needs attention of the doctors is the use of technology in managing and maintaining the detailed records of the patients. To facilitate this, there has been the advent of several database management softwares which help to maintain an online registration system whereby the patients can seek consultation online rather than having to visit the doctor's chamber. These softwares can be integrated and incorporated into the surgeon's website where the patient can provide details like name, gender, age, location or the kind of treatment required or even make payments to book an appointment.

Accordingly, the doctor can set his schedule to match the number of patients and the type of treatment that they are seeking.
Thus, with every passing day, it is becoming increasing necessary to use the available technology to their fullest potential to manage the mounting pressure on the plastic surgeons

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