Monday, 2 July 2012

Get Rejuvenated Skin Through Photo Facial Laser Therapy

The recently introduced laser therapy has brought new dimensions to the skin and hair treatments. Most of us are concerned about our skin problems like redness, light acne scars, hyper pigmentation, red flushing skins, pigmented freckles, dull complexions etc. We always wanted a quick, easy and safe way to get rid of these problems. The laser therapy has brought an ideal treatment for these problems i.e. Photo facial.

This treatment, better known as photo rejuvenation, is a technique to solve skin complexities. The technique involves using a non-ablative laser which is calibrated to seek out some special pigments in the skin related to redness, dark coloration, or discolored patches. During treatment, it feels as a rubber band is being snapped on your face. With each snapping, the light penetrates deep in the pigmented tissues and treats the skin.

Once you undergo this laser treatment, you will notice beautiful and everlasting smooth skin. The laser therapy results last for several years but not permanent. So, if you want to avoid Photo facial in future you must-

• Keep yourself away from environmental toxins as these toxins narrow down the blood vessels and damage collagen. Collagen is very essential to keep skin in plump and elastic form.
• Avoid direct sun rays as these are the main cause of wrinkles and dark spots on the skin.

Another way to make your skin smooth and beautiful is the laser hair treatment. In this, all the unwanted hair on the different body parts are removed through the similar process.

All the laser treatments, be it, laser hair reduction, or Photo facial show their results with successful sessions. A single treatment takes about 20-30 minutes depending upon the different skin types. Between every successive treatment, it is important to give sufficient recovery time for the previous session. With every treatment, you will start noticing increased uniformity and decreased blemishes in the skin. Like laser hair reduction, this technique also do not require any downtime. You can immediately resume to your daily activities of life.

I heard some people saying that this therapy is quite painful and it leaves certain marks and blemishes. As I have already discussed earlier in the article that the pain is like snapping of a rubber band and I don't think that you do not have even this much bearing capacity. As far as the marks are concerned, some capillaries are broken during treatment which causes temporary redness. So, better not worry about them.

Though, laser therapy is surely effective and completely safe but only when it is done by experienced professionals. We all know that this treatment is quite costly so it is better that you do a complete market study and find a reliable and experienced doctors in the field. At the same time, you must first consult a dermatologist to ensure that the therapy is safe for your skin type.

Laser Bella offers hair reduction, Photo facial, hair removal, laser hair reduction, wrinkle reduction, and so much more. For more info call us at 520-495- 4058

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