Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Facial Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

When it comes to facial skin rejuvenation treatments, your choices are overwhelming. However, you are about to learn the most popular treatments, their pros, cons, cost, and their best healthy low-cost alternative - the Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Creme proven to work without pills, injections, or surgery.

Most all skin rejuvenation treatments fall within three main categories... creams, pills, and surgery. So what is best for you? What do you need to take into consideration? What can you afford? Keep reading so that you will be able to arrive at an informed decision.

Okay, let's get right down to it, starting with the most common, and work our way up to the big one.

Facial Skin Rejuvenation Cream: The most common of the three most popular treatments, and the least costly one. When sorting through the hundreds to maybe thousands of creams, what do you need to consider? Well, you need to consider natural ingredients, FDA approved, side effects, working time required, and overall costs.

You notice that clinically tested was not included. That is for good reason because clinical tests results are just like statistics... you can easily manipulate the numbers and facts for whatever your desired results are. However, real world customer reviews and results, good or bad, are closest to the truth.

So that leaves us with:

1: The ingredients used: You need to use a product that use the most natural effective ingredients available.

2: FDA approved: Either the ingredients used in the product are FDA approved, or the overall product is approved by the FDA.

3: Side effects: Even though every person and skin is different, you can determine much from real world customer reviews and results.

4: Working time and overall costs: How much of the product do you need to use before you start seeing the desired results you are looking for? I see many products offer a 30 or 60 day money back guarantee, but it may take 90 or 120 days before you start seeing desired results. So, a one or two month money back guarantee really does not do you any good when it takes three or four months for the product to work does it?

That leads us into overall costs. If the product cost 39.95, plus 9.95 shipping and handling, and you need to use it for at least three months to see results, then you have spent 99.80, and your 30 or 60 day money back guarantee goes right out the window... taking your money along with it.

Pills: Everything stated for cream applies to pills also. However, with pills, we're talking about invasive treatment because this is something that is going into your body. You do not have to be reminded to beware of what you put into your body, do you?

Pills are also more prone to causing side effects that can be detrimental to your overall health in general, especially when reacting with a current health issue or other medications you may be taking... even off the shelf or over the counter pharmaceuticals.

In reality, and to try to play it safe, you should consult with a doctor before taking any pills. A particular doctor may be able to correctly advise you without seeing or analyzing the actual pill. However, in many cases, the doctor will need to have the actual pill on hand to correctly advise you. This may also include tests on you, as well as the pill itself.

I am not going to even try to figure it out here what your medical costs are going to be, plus the purchase and shipping and handling of a product just to determine if you can take it safely or not. It stands to reason that it is going to hit your pockets hard, and it probably will not be covered by your health plan... if you have insurance at all.

Surgery: We will include both, constructive, and injections in this category. Both of these treatments have to be performed by medically licensed and qualified professionals. Many of these treatments turn out as well as you can afford when done correctly. However, we have all read, heard, or seen the horrible results news and stories when so often these two treatments go wrong.

Add to that the costs for the initial treatments, reconstructive procedures, and health issues involved... the expenses are more than the average person can bear or afford.

So where does all these pros and cons leave you. What is the best choice for you? Well guess what? There is one real world customer and user proven choice available when it comes to facial skin rejuvenation treatments.

Have you heard of Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Creme? Read about this non-invasive, natural ingredients, and approved pills and botox alternative that works without ingestion or injections. You will find the link below in the resource box.

Interested readers should head over to where you will learn all about Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Creme, the best low cost healthy alternative to botox and pills that works without injections or ingestion.

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Weight Loss Fast said...

When I was younger many of my friends were suffering from acne and I didn't. I had the opposite problem, dry skin. My friends thought I was lucky, but I knew better.

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