Monday, 8 October 2012

Home Remedies For Reducing Red Veins

Red veins are a common skin condition that many people find irritating.

Red veins are not problematic from a medical standpoint but can be of concern from an aesthetic point of view for people who want to have smooth even skin tone and are annoyed by the appearance of these tiny red "blemishes" under the surface of their skin.

Red or spider veins appearance can be characterised by the following:

Tiny red blood vessels just under the surface of your skinSpidery red lines or "squiggles" on your cheeks or noseRed dots and patches

Like pimples red veins can be aggravated by environmental conditions or for those people with sensitive skin, by ingredients in their skin care products.

Environmental factors that may increase the appearance of red or spider veins include:

Washing your face with very cold or hot waterExcessive consumption of alcohol (the alcohol stimulates your blood vessels and brings them to the surface of your skin)Wind or sun damageAcids or chemicals in skin care productsHereditary predisposition to red veins (which can be largely countered by doing the right things with your skin & by using the right products)

Fortunately there are some methods of dealing with red veins, some you can practice at home and others at beauty salons.

Some of the options you can look at are red vein laser treatment, spot treatment with an electrolysis machine, or by using several natural essential oils apply topically to your skin.

Essential oils like Neroli, Geranium and Parsley are excellent for shrinking red veins diminishing their appearance over time. You can add these oils to your skin care products or make your own natural serums at home using oils like Olive, Apricot, Almond, Safflower or Wheatgerm and adding these essential oils to them.

Many essential oils are not only great for treating red veins and other skin disorders, but also offer many anti aging, protecting and repairing benefits for skin of all ages and types.

There are also a whole range of facial masks you can make at home from ingredients like crushed parsley or using parsley oil that help to calm and soothe red veins like the recipe below:

Aloe Vera and Parsley Red Vein Treatment Mask

1/2 cup aloe vera juice or 3 tblsp aloe vera gel (best straight from the plant)

2 tsp chopped and crushed parsley leaves

1 tblsp milk or yoghurt (optional)

Mix together well until the parsley is blended finely into the aloe vera. Apply to your skin every few days leaving on for ten minute then washing off with warm water (not hot or cold). Make sure you don't expose your skin to extremes of temperature so you do not aggravate your veins.

You can also make serums bases like the ones described in Mia Gordons Natural Home Made Skin Care Recipes book and add essential oils of Neroli, Parsley or Geranium to them or alternatively add these to either your own home made or store bought lotions and face creams.

Remember to use good protection from the sun and wind on your face, and do not expose your skin to extremes of temperature because your skin will try to "repair" the area of "damage" exposure by delivering blood to that part of your skin producing those unwanted red patches your are trying to eliminate.

Have fun trying the recipe above, there are many more you can experiment with and find your own custom blends for your own skins needs and requirements.

Mia Gordon owner of and author of Natural Home Made Skin Care Recipes: Rejuvenating Renewing Masks & Treatments For Beautiful Skin offers a whole range of quick, easy to make effective natural skincare recipes that repair, hydrate and renew skin of all ages so you can look and feel great at home on any budget.

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