Sunday, 7 October 2012

How To Ease The Pain When Having a Brazilian Wax

Brazilian wax is extremely painful particularly if you are having a wax for the first time but if you have been having a waxing session. Here, are some things you can do to minimize the pain in having a Brazilian wax.

1. Numb the skin. Before having a wax, apply a cream that will numb your skin. These creams are made to ease the pain when having a waxing session. If you don't have such creams, take ibuprofen 30 to 45 minutes before you get a wax. This is helpful to ease the pain in the lips, chest, and bikini area.

2. Don't use astringents or toners. Astringents and toners tighten the pores that hold the hair follicle. The tighter it is, the more painful your waxing session will be. Don't use toners or astringents before waxing.

3. Don't drink coffee or wine before having a wax. While you might think coffee or wine can reduce the pain, it won't. Stimulants in your body and cause your skin to be more sensitive to pain. When you drink coffee or wine before your waxing session, you must a lot a few hours before getting waxed. Other than that, you need to drink lots of water to hydrate your skin.

4. Don't use ice to numb your skin. Ice or anything that will get you cold tightens the pores. We don't want the pores to tighten because it grips the hair harder.

5. Use a body scrub prior to waxing. Using a body scrub before you have a waxing session means your dead skin cells around your skin pores and follicles will be gone, therefore, no obstacles around the hair which can prevent your hair from being pulled into your skin.

6. Take a warm shower. Taking a warm shower will loosen up the pores, therefore, help in getting the hair removed faster and less painful. Applying a warm compress on the area to be waxed will also be of help.

7. Relation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing will help ease your pores thus any hair in any region will be easier to pluck.

8. Seek an experienced professional. Professionals know well how to use the wax properly in certain areas of your body, the direction of the pull, and how to hold the skin. When a professional uses the technique to remove hairs properly, it will be less painful and more effective.

9. Trim the hair. Most aesthetician will trim your hair before getting a waxed. If they didn't remind them that your hair length should be a quarter to a half-inch. This is because shorter hairs make every wax stick to the hair and it will be less painful.

10. Consider sugar paste. Try sugar paste instead of wax. The sugar paste - the paste sticks to the hair rather than to your skin making the process less painful.

These are some of the few straightforward methods you can do to ease the pain of your waxing session. Take note that you will only endure the pain for a few sessions because as your hair gets waxed, it gets thinner. It can even destroy the hair follicles thus prevent hair growth in the waxed area.

Arnel Colar is a freelance writer expert in hair removal tips, advice, and suggestions. For more hair removal tips and other information on Brazilian wax visit the website. Brazilian wax too painful? Don't endure the pain, have an home electrolysis treatment instead.

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