Sunday, 14 October 2012

Natural Solutions To Remove Dark Circles Under The Eyes

When you feel tired, run down or your body is out of balance, one of the indicators we seem to notice is the appearance of dark circles around our eye area. This symptom is often caused by a lack of vitamin A. Vitamin K, C E and B are all vital nutrients for our skins health, and specific skin issues can often reveal what are lacking in our diet and also in our skin care regime, and can usually be remedied at home.

If you are suffering from:

dark circlespuffy eyessagging or "creepy" skin

There is a lot you can do to improve the appearance of these symptoms both internally and externally. If you are feeling a little concerned about your skin you can start by giving your body a boost by increasing your dietary intake of herbs and spices like:

chilliturmericcayenne pepperfennelcurrypaprika

There are many recipes you can include these ingredients in especially Mexican and Asian meals.

The other type of food you can include is green leafy vegetables and foods like the ones below:

brussel sproutscucumberspinachspring onionsasparaguscabbageprunesberriescashews (dry roasted)carrotscelerysun dried tomatoesokrasoybean oil

Now you can also use these foods in masks and oil serums for your skin like the remedies for dark circles below:

Cucumber Dark Circles Mask

1/2 crushed cucumber

1 tblsp soy bean oil or Kraft Mayonnaise (high in Vitamin K)

Mix these together well and dab gently around eye area. Lie back and leave on for 10 to 20 minutes and gently pat off with warm water.

You can also place slices of cucumber over your eye sockets (like you see in all the beauty pictures) for an extra boost.

You can make masks with any of the ingredients above except chilli and cayenne as they will burn your eyes. Try using some grated potato also - this is helpful for dark circles.

Oil Serum Dark Circle Reducer

1/2 tsp Castor oil

1/2 tsp Soybean oil

1/2 tsp Almond oil

Blend together and store in a glass bottle (preferably a dripper bottle). Dab gently around delicate eye area and leave on. This is an excellent serum to reduce dark circles.

These are just a few recipes and tips for how to get rid of dark circles under eyes, there are many more you may want to try depending on what you have readily available to you at home.

You can treat just about any skin issue at home with the same "active ingredients" you find in quality skin care products - just in their natural (most potent and absorbable) form.

When you mix certain ingredients together in specific ways and quantities at home and apply them on a regular basis, you can see a huge improvement in your skins overall appearance as well as targeting specific concerns you have. It's really easy and fun to create your own spa treatments at home that really do work.

Mia Gordon owner of and natural remedies author offers a whole range of quick, easy to make effective natural skincare recipes that hydrate and renew skin and hair so you can look and feel great on any budget.

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