Friday, 21 December 2012

Types of Homemade Upper Lip Wax to Use With Home Waxing Strips

Though body hair (like hair on the upper lip) may be considered as natural and beautiful in some cultures, it's not in American cultures. Thus the inventions of upper lip wax and home waxing strips appeared. Of course it depends on the brand and the store that these kits are purchased, but these hair removal kits can be pricey. Therefore many women have resorted to creating their own home waxing strips and their own upper lip wax. This article will cover the two most popular recipes for homemade upper lip wax (the brown sugar recipe and the honey recipe), so that women - and their banking accounts - can relax!

Brown Sugar Recipe

This is probably the one of the most popular recipes for homemade upper lip wax. It might be because the ingredients - brown sugar, water, and lemon - are usually easily found in every woman's kitchen cabinet; if they are not they are an inexpensive purchase at the grocery store. While some recipes vary, the common steps for this recipe include mixing 1 cup of the brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, and a freshly-squeezed lemon in a saucepan. Obviously, it is best to mix these ingredients together until the sugar is melted but one should wait until the mixture is warm, not hot to apply it to the skin.

An easy way to test the heat is simply to test it on one's wrist before applying it to the lip. After the upper lip wax is mixed together, simply follow the directions one would normally follow to remove hair from the upper lip. This process varies - some section off certain areas of the upper lip, while some might do it all at once. An extra tip for this recipe is to use some light face powder on the area before applying the wax to protect it from the product.

Honey Recipe

Using honey in the homemade hair removal recipe is another common method. While this one can be used as upper lip wax, it can also be used on other areas of the body where hair is not wanted. Since this recipe combines both honey and sugar, it is often referred to as body sugaring. While this recipe is similar to the Brown Sugar recipe, its ingredients include: 1 cup of granulated white sugar, ¼ cup of honey and again a freshly squeezed lemon. Both recipes can be heated in a saucepan until the sugar is melted or cooked in the microwave for about two to three minutes or until the sugar is melted. Once the recipe is melted together, the same directions for using home waxing strips as mentioned previously and when used with a store-bought waxing kit should be applied.

Some other homemade recipes that can be used to reduce facial hair growth include face masks. One combines 10ml of lemon juice and 40 ml of honey and should be left on for fifteen minutes. Another homemade face mask involves mixing 10 ml of lemon juice, one cup of water, and 30 grams of flour and applying for fifteen minutes as well.

This article just lists a few of the most popular homemade upper lip wax solutions. A simple Internet search will supply women with many more options so that they can stay beautiful without breaking the bank, and in today's society, both are equally important!

This article illustrates homemade upper lip wax solutions to use with home waxing strips so that women can stay beautiful without paying a fortune for their beauty products.

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