Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Unibrow Removal: Is It Only Popular in the United States?

New Orleans' Basketball star Anthony Davis, former United States President George W. Bush, popular heart-throb Actor Josh Hartnett and even Bert and Sam the Eagle from the Muppets are just a few of the popular celebrities that know how to embrace their unibrows. While these celebrities might attribute some of their popularity to their unibrow, this facial hair is not always a welcomed thing, in the United States. It is a popular trend in American cultures to use hair removal products for unibrow removal; however, it is not a popular trend all over the world. In countries like India, some Asian nations, and Iran, (just to name a few) the unibrow is not frowned upon and sometimes is even added to those that are not naturally born with it. This article will take a closer look to what the unibrow means in these cultures and why using hair removal products for unibrow removal is often frowned upon.


India, known to have the seventh largest land area and the tenth largest economy, is one country that has a positive view of unibrows and a negative view of unibrow removal. While the unibrow is usually universally a more accepted trait of men than of women, in India both sexes equally welcome the unique facial hair. In this country, the hair between the eyebrows means purity in women and virility in men.


This small Asian nation is sometimes referred to names like "The Land of the Unibrow" because the facial feature is so popular and welcomed in this culture. In fact, those who are not naturally born with this facial hair will sometimes use a natural remedy. While most Americans are using their homemade waxing products to remove this facial feature, the people of Tajikistan are using ingredients in a simple process to gain it. The process really is simple: it is ground up, left out to dry, and then pressed until a green sludge comes out. Then the sludge is smeared onto the desired area between the eyebrows, left on for fifteen minutes, and repeated two more times until the thick brow appears. When these Tajikistan women are asked why they love this feature so much they simply say that they just think it is beautiful.


In Iran's Qajar Dynasty period this facial feature was very popular and, similar to Tajikistan, was often added if a person was not naturally born with it. The addition of the unibrow in this culture, however, was much simpler than that of Tajikistan and is done with some Halloween costumes sometimes in the United States - it is simply drawn on using eyeliner. In modern times, however Iran has adopted a more western culture and no longer accepts the beauty of the unibrow.

A couple more countries that view this feature as beautiful include Russia and Sri Lanka, and a simple Internet search will provide many other countries that look down on unibrow removal. This article just proves how different cultures can be and how something that is so common like using home waxing strips for unibrow removal can be so uncommon elsewhere.

While using hair removal products such as home waxing strips for unibrow removal is a popular trend in the United States, in other countries it is not.

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