Sunday, 27 January 2013

5 Things You Should Know About Beauty Product Packaging

Every single month a fresh new product launch takes the industry by storm. We have an obsession with skincare items and our cabinets are now spilling with dozens of half used bottoms. We're always waiting for the next great thing that claims miracles to stock on our shelves. There isn't just dry, oily, and sensitive skin types this day in age. Nope, those terms are merely at the top of the pyramid of skin care products.

Extensive studies are conducted in order to zone in on key specific areas you want to focus on. Needs are tailored to suit very distinct results. Finding products that actually work can be a bit of chore, because finding that gem of an item takes leg work.

Before I go any further let me just say, expensive does not always define good.

1. Look for items with a short ingredient list.
Federal law states that ingredient lists must start with the ingredient that is of the highest concentration followed down to the lowest. If you're searching for one particular ingredient then take a look at the list and see where it falls. If it's way at the bottom the likelihood of it actually being effective is no likely. The other problem with using an abundance of substances is the concentration of individual amounts reduces. Ingredients are getting lost amongst each other.

2. If you can't read the ingredient then you might want to skip it.
We're not all chemistry majors. We put so many chemicals on our skin it's almost scary. After you complete the skincare regime, make-up application, and hair prep women have applied over 20 different chemicals and you haven't left the house!

3. Industry PHRASES TO tempt YOU
Common words used on packaging like "Hypoallergenic", "100% Natural", "Sensitive for all skin Types", etc are used as a marketing strategy. The FDA (Foods and Drug Association) has passed none. Be aware they are all sneaky marketing moves created by the beauty industry.

All items include at the least 1 or two substances are the primary reason a product does what it claims to achieve. The inactive substances are just there to help, not interfere, with its effectiveness. Some natural skin care products contain 90% of active ingredient with a mere 10% a make-up of the inactive ingredients. As an example, in case you're looking for a solution to deal with acne, you might search for items that contain salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide. If you're searching for a normal skin option try out green tea, lavender oil, or Vitamin E.

It's not likely reputable stores will carry expired products, but you'll just want to double check before buying. For the most part companies manage the inventory with sales reps that travel to stores on a regular basis. If you're buying natural merchandise remember that they will expire much sooner than chemical based products. Preservatives are usually added to chemical based products, which gives them a longer shelf life.

If you decide to take the step over to the world of natural beauty products you will probably find at least 1/3 of your cabinet space frees up. This is because most natural products are multi-purpose. For instance, I use jojoba oil as a moisturizer, but can also use it to remove my eye make-up. With most oils (like Coconut oil) they can be used over your entire body, as well as the face. Just as a side note, Coconut Oil is also a great sun tan lotion.

Before you purchase any items do a little research on the most common ingredients. Irritations may even be caused by all-natural skin care items, so be sure to check a patch of skin before trying. For example, if a product is geared towards acne an individual with delicate skin may have a damaging reaction to higher concentrations from the active ingredient.

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