Thursday, 24 January 2013

How Much Does Your Hair Grow In a Month?

On average, hair grows ½ inch per month and 6 inches per year. Normally men's hair grows at a slightly faster rate than women's at 6-7 inches per year. It grows faster in the summer than in the winter because it growth requires a warm temperature. No other mumbo jumbo methods can improve it growth. Health condition and diet can only retain hair growth. How to make your hair grow faster? There are some practical tips which can be considered to sustain growth.

Establish a healthy life style

Hair texture and moisture reflect our health condition. If we want to maintain and enhance our hair health condition, we must establish a healthy life style such as a healthy sleeping routine, be away from extreme stress, go on a regular healthy exercise routine, and eat sufficient nutritious fruits, vegetables and meats to maintain a protein level so as to enhance our hair healthy condition. Drink a sufficient amount of water so as to enhance hairs moisture.

Trim hair regularly

This sounds counter-productive. Only follicles and hormones determine hair thickness and length, but trimming can dispose of dry and split end so as to maintain your appearance. A trim can only remove ¼ or ½ inch of your hair. If you are aware of how fast and how long your hair can grow per month, then you can advise dresser to trim off unwanted split ends or dry parts of your hair.

Apply organic hair care products to maintain it moisture

Try to avoid using too much chemical care products. There is a trend of organic care products on the market. Those products are categorized into several different types - for normal, dry and oily hair. The technology applied in producing those products can block moisture from being lost and improve your condition.

Protect it from heat

Many women frequently change their style from straight to perm. This act only keeps it temporally looking stylish. The heat is another factor impacting your hairs healthy condition. Therefore if you want to change the style, please advise your hair dresser to turn the device to a reasonable temperature so that the heat will not damage it too deeply. You can also use natural methods to change the style such as wet sets, twist and wraps in order to maintain your hairs moisture.

Low Manipulation

The nature of hair, such as curly, straight or wavy, is born and determined by genetic codes. Many people are willing to comb and brush their hair often. If this physical force is too often, it will cause hair loss. Indeed, hair loss happens naturally and we always see hairs on combs and brushes. Too many strokes per day will impact growth and flourishing.

We are unable to change the condition of follicles and hormones but we can protect and maintain our hair by applying natural methods and materials to flourish and nourish our hair. Moisture and texture are main factors in hair care. Only a well-balanced life style and serious care actions can sustain it in this condition.

If you want to learn more visit how to make hair grow faster where you will get the most useful advice on hair care. Be sure to visit website today!

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