Sunday, 20 January 2013

Surgical Nose Jobs - What Are They?

Did you ever hear about someone saying that a friend got a nose job and you wondered what that is? There are many people that do not actually know what nose jobs are. There is no reason to not want to know information about the procedure as it can be really useful for thousands of people from around the world.

Surgical nose jobs are basically operations that are medically referred to with the term rhinoplasty. This is the most common of all plastic surgeries that are done on a patient's face. Dramatic appearance improvements can appear when using rhinoplasty, although there is a huge debate about changing the way people look through surgery.

Short History

The common belief that such surgeries have just appeared is false. In fact, surgical jobs have been around for over 2,000 years for reconstructive reasons. Modern rhinopasty appeared right after World War I and in the past 3 decades the popularity of the procedure grew. Surgery results are nowadays natural in appearance and last a much longer time than in the past.

The early rhinoplasty that was done for cosmetic reasons was not as advanced as it is today. The only thing that could have been done was to make the entire nose smaller. Nowadays technology is a lot different and the jobs are incredible. There is not much bone cartilage that is removed and the overall structural integrity of the nose is kept intact. Doctors avoid cutting cartilage and will use special suture techniques that work together with the actual remodelling process in order to offer you the exact nose shape that you want.

Should You Consider Nose Jobs?

There are basically two reasons why people consider these modifications: medical reasons and cosmetic reasons. When referring strictly to medical reasons like having a deviated septum, the procedure is highly recommended and it might even be covered by your health insurance. The rhinoplasty that is done due to medical reasons is very important and you need to get it done as soon as possible. The doctor will recommend it when it is necessary.

The real debates that are linked to nose modifications appear when they are done for purely aesthetic reasons. Some people say that facial appearance should only be modified when it is medically necessary but not when you do it to improve how you look. From a psychological point of view, the procedure is really important because a nose that does not look well can have an impact on self-confidence levels. By making aesthetic modifications to your nose when problems exist, you will look better and feel better at the same time! That is what counts at the end of the day. Nose jobs are great when done properly.

Article written by Cruce Adrian, lead writer at Health Talk Online. Visit the blog to learn a lot about health problems and you can also visit Plastic Surgery Facts for more information about plastic surgeries.

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