Friday, 25 January 2013

Which Is Better, Laser Hair Removal Or Electrolysis?

Although shaving, waxing and plucking are all very common methods of removing excess hair, they can be time consuming. Those with very busy lifestyles, with endless lists of things to get done, may find it more convenient to seek the help of procedures like lasers or electrolysis to get rid of unwanted hair. It helps to understand how both treatments work to make the best choice between the two.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser energy is used to damage the hair follicle. It enters a resting telogen phase where it will no longer produce new hair.

In order for this process to work, light from the laser needs to be absorbed by eumelanin. This is the pigment that makes the hair dark in color. Generally speaking, laser energy is easily absorbed by dark colors.

Removing excess hair with lasers is best for those with dark brown or black hair. It is also an ideal choice for cases where large amounts of hair need to be removed.

Because laser hair removal requires absorption by pigment in the hair shaft, it will address existing hairs on the body. This will result in a permanent reduction in the number of hairs. However, new hairs from different follicles can emerge. So patients will find that they need several treatments before they can quit waxing and shaving.

Overall, the procedure is fast and painless since the laser can simply be scanned over the region of skin to remove hair.


In electrolysis, a fine probe is inserted into each hair follicle to cause damage by using electricity. This also affects the hair root. Results are permanent as long as every follicle in the target area has been addressed. So it is possible to undergo one procedure for the permanent removal of excess hair.

Unlike laser hair removal, this process is painful and takes a very long time.This is because the needle probe needs to be inserted into one follicle at a time. However it is not an efficient way to get rid of hair in large areas such as the back and chest.

Electrolysis may be a good solution for people who want to get rid of blond, red or light brown hair. These colors cannot be reliably addressed with laser hair removal.

Final Note

Laser hair removal and electrolysis can offer the convenience of never having to bother with shaving, tweezing or waxing. Choosing between one or the other requires thoughtful consideration of the pros and cons. Besides personal research, speaking to a dermatologist is another helpful way to gather information and make a sound decision.

Individuals in the Los Angeles area who are interested in laser hair removal can sign up for a free consultation at Fine Touch Dermatology. This is a great way to learn more about this procedure for your needs and to have your questions answered.

Please visit for more information.

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