Thursday, 1 March 2012

Beginner Guide to Colored Contact Lenses

Beginner Guide to Colored Contact Lenses

Today, colored contact lenses has slowly become a fashion that aims to change your appearance. As the old saying goes, 'Eyes are the window to the soul'. With just a pair of colored contact lenses, you have the ability to transform your appearance with a pair of captivating eyes. Therefore, do not under-estimate the impact of a pair of colored contact lenses can really make. Today, colored contact lenses are not only used for cosmetic reason only but it can be used for people who has astigmatism and presbyopia problem.

Color contact lenses work by filtering all the color in the light except the desired color. There are few different categories of colored contact lenses:

Opaque lenses

Opaque lenses can dramatically change the natural color of your eyes regardless of how dark is your eyes color. It has a solid colored 'ring' that covers the iris while leaving a clear hole in the center to let the light passes through. Majority of colored contact lenses are opaque.

Enhancement tint

Enhancement tints lenses are translucent and are used to enhance your natural eye color (therefore, it also known as enhancer tints). If your natural eye color is dark color, enhancement tints lenses will be hard to make the color change visible. Therefore, enhancement tints lenses are recommended for light colored eyes only.

Visibility tints

Visibility tints do not change the eye color at all. It is slighted tinted for handling purpose so that you can remove and insert the lenses better. Also, it helps to find your contact lenses more easily if they are dropped or misplaced.

Light Filtering tints

Light filtering tints is the latest development in colored contact lenses. It is designed mainly to be used in sport such as tennis, golf or baseball. Light filtering tints can enhance certain colors while muting other colors. As a result, it is easier to target the balls that stands out against the background. For example, tennis players wearing light yellow or gold tint colored contact lenses would track the ball more easily by brightening the background. Recently, Nike's MaxSight Sport-Tinted contact lenses is the latest sport contact lenses that aims at athletes who are reluctant to use sunglasses due to fogging, scratching or inconvenience. This tinted contact lenses will give a devilish red-eyed appearance that function much like sunglasses by cutting down on glare.

Colored contact lenses are available as extended wear, disposable and daily disposable. Majority of colored contact lenses come in the form of soft lenses which are usually comfortable to wear and easy to adjust even for the first timer. In general, colored contact lenses are fun and safe to wear. However, if you feel uncomfortable and experience some irritation, you should contact your eye care practitioner immediately.
With continuing technology improvement in contact lenses industry, the price of contact lenses has become so affordable that you can simply try out various color contact lenses. You will probably look great on the popular bright blue eyes that everyone loves. Or you can try the green or lavender color contact lenses that create the exotic look. There are so many colored contact lenses to choose from that you probably have to try them all on to find the color that match your skin and hair tones.

Color contact lens is a fast growing market. Many large contact lenses manufacturers are producing a variety of new design and colors contact lenses every few months. In other words, you have more options to choose now. At present, Wesley-Jessen (acquired by CIBA Vision in 2000) is the market leader in colored contact lenses. They have produced a popular range of Freshlook colorblends contact lenses. In addition, you can also find wide selection of other popular colored contact lenses such as Acuvue 2 Colors, Focus Softcolors, Durasoft 2 Colorblends, CibaSoft SoftColors and many more.

Internet is an excellent place where you can buy colored contact lenses online. Unlike local eye-care shops, you are not geographically restricted to buy contact lenses online. Moreover, it is convenient and easy to make price and product comparison on the web that help you to save times and money. If you are looking to buy cheap colored contact lenses, online market is the right place for you. On the Internet, you can find many online stores with large collection of cheap colored contact lenses. But before you make your purchase, you should only order from reputable online contact lenses stores that offer money back guarantee or full refund should you not satisfy with your purchase.

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Beginner Guide to Colored Contact Lenses


Jacob said...

Most of the people are preferring for colored Contact Lenses as they are very fashionable. People are using them mainly to look different from others.

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