Thursday, 1 March 2012

Have Great Hair Come Rain or Shine

Have Great Hair Come Rain or Shine

If you have dry and damaged hair then it can be really tough to correct. Living your every day life and travelling abroad can play havoc with your tresses as they have to deal with what impact the weather has. It can be tough to adapt to different climates so finding ways to manage your locks will make it feel great in any season.

Each season of the year brings a different kind of damage. In the winter it can cause hair to become dull in color and feel lifeless. In the summer the heat and air conditioning can take the life out of it, making it become dry and straw like. The summer months can bring about some positives especially if you are naturally blonde. If you do still have natural golden locks the winter can make it appear dull, however in the summertime can help to add some brightness and help bring your faded color back to life if the sun is beating down.

There are ways of protecting your tresses against the elements. In the winter time you can first of all start by wearing a hat in the harsh conditions. Make sure you get one that fits properly and is not too tight as this could stop air getting to the scalp. Everybody thinks that it is important to wash their hair as much as possible, but this has its downside as it can take away some of the natural oils produced. These actually keep it feeling and looking healthy. If you keep your washing to two and three times a week, making sure not to curl and straighten too much, this should help build up your hairs protective barrier again.

During the summer you should also keep the washing tip in mind. However if you are on a nice sunny holiday and have been frequently using the swimming pool you should wash it more often. Chlorine can really do some damage, so it is best to wash it as soon as possible after going for a dip. You must also make sure that you keep your locks moisturised. Maintaining the moisture levels so that they are kept high will help to make sure that the sun does not dry it out too much.

There are many different anti-frizz and oil products that can combat seasonal issues. If you adhere to certain rules and find a number of products that work for you, it can really help to build back up the strength and shine. Everybody's locks will react differently to certain products so you need to find something to suit you specifically. Once you have you will be ready to face the day no matter what the weather.

Writing about hair extensions and products, Samantha Turley aims to provide readers with informative knowledge into her experience gained within this area and offer readers the chance to view a website she has experienced positively. View a range of Moroccan oil today.

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Have Great Hair Come Rain or Shine


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