Wednesday 4 April 2012

Lose Body Fat Fast With These Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Lose Body Fat Fast With These Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Hands down, the hardest part about shedding pounds is breaking bad habits. Here are some tips to lose weight that will help you combat temptation bad habits when temptation comes calling at snack time. But the vending machine is not the best place to look for healthy snacks for weight loss. So, if you're looking to lose body fat fast, you need to be prepared for when hunger strikes in between meals with these healthy snack options.

Dark Chocolate: Yes, you can have chocolate. If you've got to have a little bit of sweetness, a small portion of chocolate can do the trick. Dark chocolate is best. It is low on the glycemin index which means that the digestive tract breaks it down slowly. Dark chocolate covered raisins are even better.

Eat more to lose weight: Some fruits and vegetables actually burn more calories than you ingest by eating them. It's true! Fruits include raspberries, grapefruits, blueberries, and apricots. Vegetables include celery, carrots, cauliflower, and cucumbers. I try to stay away from dips. But, If you need a little extra flavor, you may consider a low or no fat dressing. But use it sparingly. A weight loss trick I like to use with vegetables is to eat them with a fork. Simply dip the fork in the dressing before you eat the vegetable.

Frozen snacks: We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy foods to eat to lose weight. Try freezing them! They often taste better because their naturally sweet flavor gets sealed in by freezing. I like strawberries, peas, or corn. They have a high fiber and low calorie density. A half cup of peas only has 55 calories but 3 grams of fiber. They melt in your mouth. Plus, they're filling and satisfying.

Yogurt: Try to stay away from the fruit on the bottom variety. They typically have way too much sugar. Instead, get low-fat greek yogurt. For a little extra sweetness, add chopped apricots or dates.

Go Nuts: Nuts are a great snack with low calories to lose weight fast. Pretty much any nuts are good if you get them unsalted. I love pistachios. You can eat about 50 of them for just 160 calories! And you can enjoy peanut butter. Its very filling so you can really combat hunger by putting it on a slice of bread or crackers. There's only 12 grams of fat and 180 calories per 2 tablespoon serving.

Apples: Apples are really low fat and calories. Plus they contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They extra fiber helps make you feel full. And, the low sodium means you'll have less water retention. Anytime you can shed water weight its a good thing. The enzymes in apples help you digest food more efficiently. So the apple is really a weight loss friendly food. I like to cut it into slices and sprinkle a little cinnamon on it.

Try these healthy snacks for weight loss and you'll conquer your cravings and lose body fat fast! If you're looking for more tips to lose weight you might check out my Tips to Lose Weight Guide. Its available for free for a limited time

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Lose Body Fat Fast With These Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

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