Monday, 23 July 2012

Achieving Thicker, Fuller Eyelashes!

Many women want thicker eyelashes. No matter the cost, having thicker eyelashes makes a woman feel more youthful and beautiful. Since eyes are considered to be the "windows to the soul", beautiful eyelashes provide the frame for the window. Having thicker eyelashes also means that the eye is protected from outside sources like debris, smoke and chemicals... but most women just want thicker eyelashes for the aesthetic effect they have.

Today there are many different products in the marketplace that promise you can achieve the lashes you desire. The packages are beautiful, and there is a great deal spent on advertising so that having thicker eyelashes seems like it can be achievable by any woman. There are several variations in price and type as everyone is different, but it is not necessary to spend a large amount of money on a product in order to achieve the look that you want thicker lashes.

Some budget friendly ways to give your eye lashes more thickness include:

Traditional methods - yes, this is where mom comes in! Throughout many decades, there have been natural alternatives to moisturize and penetrate the hair follicle of the eyelash in order to create more growth and fullness. Olive oil and castor oil are two that have been used for hundreds of years. Some women swear by petroleum jelly. To effectively use these natural alternatives, simply apply tiny amounts of the oil along the lash line before sleep. You may wish to use a cotton swab for this purpose, and it is important to keep the oils from getting into the eye causing irritation. Prettier lashes can be seen usually after about a month.

There are newer products that can only be administered by a physician, as it requires a prescription. By applying them to the lash line twice a day, one should see eyelash hair growth. Though there is a list of side effects that can be associated with it, it is generally considered to be safe. Any Hollywood actresses have been successful with this product and then advertise for it.

Direct cosmetic treatments do not require a prescription and are applied in the same manner that mascara would be applied. For both top and bottom lashes, it conditions and helps to promote the growth of the eyelash. This method works and is considered inexpensive when compared to other treatments.

False Eyelashes- when you just can't grow lashes fast enough for that special event; the market for false eyelashes has exploded in recent years. The benefit to this is that many are much more natural looking and easy to apply. These provide a good alternative while waiting for the above treatments to take effect.

urLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum, combined with its clinically proven ingredients can help thicken, lengthen and condition your lashes in less than 2 weeks with our scientifically proven advanced formula. For more information about eyelash growth serum visit urLash today!

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