Sunday, 15 July 2012

Is Your Skin Very Sensitive or Acne Prone

Is Your Skin Very Sensitive or Acne Prone

If your skin is very sensitive or acne-prone, you may want to use hard-pressed Q-tips or cotton swabs to apply facial creams or medication. This prevents bacterial contamination from your fingers, and the firmly packed cotton at each end of the swab will not leave a cottony residue on your face.

One way to control acne that many people forget about does not involve what's on the outside, but rather what's on the inside. Water, which makes up 60% of the human body, is important for skin care. Drinking in at least 2 liters or (8) 8 oz. glasses keeps the skin hydrated, allowing dead skin to shed away normally and preventing blocked pores.

To help get rid of your acne you can apply fresh garlic to the problem areas. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and the oils that are in it can help to reduce and repair acne breakouts. If you are concerned about the odor in public try using it before going to bed.

When selecting an acne care product line, be sure to pick one that will care for your skin as well as treat blemishes. Keeping your skin healthy isn't just about avoiding pimples and blackheads. Your acne products should moisturize and cleanse just like a regular skin care line, with the added benefit of treating your acne.

If you are struggling with acne, try cutting back on dairy food like cheese and milk. Certain studies show a link between the consumption of dairy and acne breakouts. The hormones in dairy, especially milk, may be responsible for increased production in the oil glands. Give it a try, and you may see clearer skin!

Aloe Vera is a great product to use on your skin, especially if you are very red and uncomfortable from your acne. This green gel is very soothing when you apply it to your skin and can create a strong shield to block bacteria and the sun from impacting your face.

Eat one to two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds a day in order to prevent acne breakouts. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, an essential mineral. Recent studies show that many people who suffer from acne breakouts are zinc deficient.  Snack on pumpkin seeds throughout the day for spotless skin.

One of the best ways to reduce your acne is to reduce your level of stress. The hormone caused by stress, called cortisol, has been directly linked to causing acne breakouts. To help yourself relax, try moderate exercise techniques such as Yoga or Tai Chi, or simple breathing and meditation exercises.

Much like garlic, onions can also reduce acne.  Onions contain sulfuric acid, which eliminates acne bacteria. Simply cut some slices of onion and soak them in water for a bit, then apply the water to the affected areas of your face. If you're brave enough, you can try rubbing onion slices directly to your skin.

If you do not understand where your acne comes from, get checked for allergies. Acne is a natural occurrence, but for some people it might be caused by certain chemicals. For instance, a laundry soap or a cleaning product can cause your skin to break out. If this is the case, try other brands.

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Is Your Skin Very Sensitive or Acne Prone

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Anonymous said...

I think they should
Use a gentle cleanser to remove oil.It's important to wash your face each night to remove the surface oil and make up that can contribute to acne, but you don't want a cleanser that strips your skin of all its moisture.
Use a new washcloth each day.
Always use Clean Pillow Cover.
Best Treatment For Acne

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