Tuesday, 24 July 2012

So What Can Cause Eyelash Loss?

Eyelashes are considered to be a hair on your body - just like hair on your arms or legs, even though most people don't think of them that way. These hairs on your eyes can be sensitive to environmental factors, poor health and can be damaged. In the same way that we shed scalp hair, eyelash hair can also shed because it has its own natural growth cycle or they have lost their strength or become damaged.

Most causes of eyelash loss are due to the fact they have some sort of damage done to them. Many people notice when babies have beautiful eyelashes, and sometimes it seems that men have been the gender to have beautiful eyelashes. This is because quite simply women use cosmetic appliances and procedures much too often. This damages the actual eyelash hair and can result in eyelash loss and thinning. Using mascara regularly can also be a cause for a loss of eyelashes. Mascaras can add weight to the fine hairs when applied; mascaras are often removed via rubbing because many types of mascara cannot easily be washed off. This can damage the hair at the root causing permanent eyelash loss.

Those that are sensitive to allergies tend to find themselves rubbing at the eyelash. Itchy red eyes from allergies, smoke, dust, a sensitivity to chemicals, and even fatigue also cause the natural reaction of rubbing, but this leads to damaging the eyelash hairs.

While poor habits allergies and makeup use can contribute greatly to eyelash loss there are also some medical conditions to be considered that can lead to a weakening in strength of the eyelash and eventual permanent loss. These conditions include:

Blephartis: defined as an inflammation of the hair follicles and glands along the edges of the eyelid. Eyelids can become tender and sore and there may be dry or itchy scaling which contributes to the burning and watering of the eyes, causing a loss of the eyelash.

Distichiasis: while one might think of more eyelashes as a good thing, this condition consists of two rows growing of eyelashes. It does not need to be a full row and usually consists of one or both of them growing inward, causing irritation.

Madarosis: this condition is when one loses of eyelashes or eyebrows. It can be caused by a condition from birth or it can be to be a side effect of an already occurring illness.

Trichiasis: this is simply the technical name for ingrown eyelashes. The eyelash scrapes the cornea of the eye causing irritation. A person who has an ingrown eyelash will pluck it out, but there is great irritation that comes along with this and can cause eyelash loss.

Although there are medical illnesses that can cause eyelash loss, most of the time the eyelash loss is due to the constant rubbing and attempts to undo the discomfort manually. This is why it is important to be gentle with your eyes, and should you feel that it is becoming overly irritated, a physician should be sought.

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