Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Some Cool Home-Made Face Packs For a Radiant Skin

There are many summer coolants which do a lot of good to your skin. Face packs that can be easily made at home can be applied to have a soothing impact and to have a perfectly radiant skin. Try making these home packs and you would be delighted to get good results:

Mango Pack: If your skin is being tanned due to constant exposure to sun, you can try this pack. To make this pack, take at least to tablespoon of mango pulp and mix it with one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of yogurt and turmeric powder. Apply this pack on regular basis for getting tanned skin cured.

Banana Pack: Banana is a natural skin whitener. Take some banana pulp and mix it with one tablespoon of honey and few drops of rosewater. Regular application of this pack makes your skin fairer.

Tomato and Fresh Cream: Tomato juice mixed with fresh cream of milk can be applied all over the face for perfect cooing effect on skin. This pack can be applied regularly for getting your skin hydrated.

Potato Juice: Discoloration of skin can be cured by applying the juice of freshly grated potatoes.

Cucumber Pack: Splash your face with the juice of cucumber. This ideal summer coolant is simply the best for your skin. Blemishes of your skin can be done away with by applying cucumber pack. For making cucumber pack, mix about two tablespoon of gram flour with the juice of cucumber and about one spoon of honey. Regular application of this pack gives you impeccable skin.

Watermelon Pack: Crush the pulp of water melon and mix it with a tablespoon of yoghurt and honey to get a face pack that on regular application keep your skin hydrated and also nourishes your skin so that it an glow with health.

Lemon juice can be added to any of the hoe made face pack to get better results. Lemon has bleaching property and has give skin a fairer tone. Application of fresh lemon juice can be done to get fairer skin.

Rose Pack: Crush some petals of a fresh rose and mix about a tablespoon of honey in it. This face pack can be applied regularly for a healthy skin.

There are so many other products that can be used to pack great home packs which can do miracles on your tanned and blemished skin. Try these homemade packs for getting wonderful results.

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