Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tips on How to Look Younger by Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is said to have many beneficial properties and making you look younger is certainly one of them. Not surprisingly, as it's known for its uses in medicine, mainly for various skin conditions and injuries. Rashes, mosquito bites, sunburn... the list goes on. But all in all, if you apply some aloe vera to your wounds, they tend to heal faster.

Many people have started growing it at home, even indoors. But if you have no intention of doing that just yet, that's fine too. You can get a 'free trial' of sorts by purchasing an aloe vera leaf for a couple of bucks. Honestly it costs less than a cup of coffee these days.

There are various ways how to use aloe vera. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice out of the leaf. This can be done with an ordinary kitchen knife. Chances are you won't need all of its contents in one single go, so be sure to only cut away as much as you're going to use. People most commonly use it as a face crème.

The gel offers various benefits to the skin. If it's subjected to daily use, it will look younger and healthier. Besides that, it's going to be well-moisturized, so if you've got dry skin problems, aloe just might be the answer you're looking for.

As to why aloe is healthy, it's easy to understand. If we examine it closely it reveals various vitamins and amino acids which have been medically proven to be beneficial to skin. Also, it tends to penetrate 7 layers deep, which is more than others products do.

Some people have acne even in their late thirties and that may be a source of embarrassment. By using aloe vera, however, acne can be kept to a minimum. What it also does, is keeping particles out of your skin surface which in turns prevents the skin pores from clogging (and thus contributes to having less acne-outbreaks).

As we age, the skin also becomes less firm. Wrinkly skin looks old, but truth is, free radicals also play a huge role when it comes to the skin looking older than it should be. Even more than that, free radicals are known to cause changes to the cell structure and even damage DNA, so it's a reason for concern.

Luckily, one of aloe's benefits is that it deals with free radicals with ease and that alone will make it look firmer.

If you want to stay young-looking, it's time to do something about it. There's no such thing as a magic potion to reverse the years on your skin, but if you put some work into it, a lot can be achieved.

There is an article on Squidoo that further examines the benefits of aloe vera.

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