Thursday, 2 August 2012

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Many women feel uncomfortable when they have hair on their arms, legs, armpits and so on. Some spend many hours a week either shaving or waxing. These methods are both time consuming and not permanent. Some manufacturers of hair removal lasers have produced devices which are suitable for home use. These have mixed reviews as there are many factors which contribute to the success of these devices.

Laser hair removal devices produce energy which kill the hair follicles. It is important that the energy produced by the laser reaches the root of the hair. Skin pigmentation is a huge factor which can reduce the amount of laser energy able to get to the root. The skin contains a pigment called melanin and the darker the skin, the more melanin it contains. This pigment absorbs the energy, resulting in a reduced amount reaching the location where it is needed.

Hair goes through various phases of growth and is only susceptible to laser energy during the Anagen phase. Only hair that is in this phase will be killed by the laser power This is an important fact to remember. The laser might seem ineffective when in fact the hair being targeted is at a phase when it is resistant to the effects of laser power.

The hair on our body are all at different stages in their growth cycle. As a result, not all of your body hair will be in the Anagen phase at exactly the same time. After the first laser treatment, it is only the hair in this phase that will be affected. A person using this device for the first time might be ignorant of this important fact, and could easily think that the device they have bought is unable to fulfill its function.

With all this talk about skin pigmentation and hair growth phases, it is important to realize that for successful removal of hair, a once off treatment will not work. Initially the process will need to be repeated every few days. As you continue with the laser treatment, the intervals between these events will increase.

People sometimes think that longer is better. You can damage, and even cause serious skin burns if you apply the laser for too long to the same area of your skin Be sure to follow the manufacturers guidelines accurately.

Many who are able to afford the cost of these devices are starting to use laser hair removal at home. If you are one of those people, make sure that you are familiar with some of the factors shared in this short article.

Find more information about home laser hair removal.

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