Saturday, 4 August 2012

Lip Waxing Products Offer an Easy Approach to Handling Stubborn Follicles

Numerous women have to constantly struggle with unwanted follicle growth above the lips. Traditional hair removal options such as shaving the area supply an undesirable appearance shortly after their completion. Mixed feelings about waxing make choosing a method of follicle elimination difficult when a woman wants to achieve smooth skin above the lip. Almost every woman has a mustache in this area and for some it is extremely noticeable. Shaving results in thicker regrowth and causes the area to look darker since hair is only cut off at the skin. Daily maintenance is necessary to prevent the dark appearance of growth caused by shaving. Creams have the same after effect since they only dissolve follicles at the breaking point of the skin. Home waxing strips remove each follicle at the root and causes hair to grow back slower with increased fineness. Lip waxing products are an optimal solution for any woman who wants to eliminate this facial feature without having to perform consistent maintenance.

Debunking the Common Myths of Home Waxing Strips

Home waxing strips might hurt; however, the pain does not last long. After a few applications, increased fineness and adjustment to the process causes an individual to experience far less pain. The lip will be additionally painful than other areas due to enhanced sensitivity. Breakouts typically occur after waxing has been completed and are almost guaranteed the first time the process is performed. It is best to use a soothing sanitizing lotion or oil after the removal has been completed. The applied product should include tea tree oil, aloe, or antiseptic ingredients to reduce irritation. Lip waxing products are purchasable in the form of hot treatments, cold applications, or as pre-made strips. Individuals performing the process for the first time are better served by using pre-made strips. These items do not require heating and are not as messy as their alternatives. They do not always grab the same amount of follicles as a hot wax, but make the initial experience much easier.

Countless individuals assume that waxing must be continued once it has been initially performed. This myth has no relevance because a person can complete a wax anytime they desire as long as the hair length permits it. The area should be properly cleansed prior to application of home waxing strips and then treated with an appropriate lotion after. A person performing the process on his or her own should avoid touching the area after removal to prevent further irritation. An over-the-counter topical cream can be used in instances where irritation is severe. Extensive breakouts are a sign of amplified sensitivity and any person experiencing these results should seek another form of removal or accept growth in this area. A longer period between treatments leads to additional growth and intensifies the amount of experienced pain. Lip waxing products are available for sensitive skin to aid in reducing irritation. In the end, this choice is left to the individual and anyone can try it once to see if this option delivers satisfactory results for unwanted facial hair.

Lip waxing products eliminate the inconvenience of using a razor or creams in a sensitive follicle growth area. Home waxing strips supply the easiest way for quick removal of unwanted hair.

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