Monday, 24 September 2012

QUIZ: Does Your Breath Stink?

It's so obvious and easy to tell if the person next to you has bad breath. You can tell immediately and it gets worse as they open their mouth to speak. But what if it was you who has it, would you know and readily admit it too? The truth is, your breath could have smelled bad for a long time now and you could be not even aware of it.

You may have been suspecting that there is a possibility that you may have bad breath for a long time as you have noticed people turn away when you spoke to them but you just didn't want to admit it. Your best friend or your significant other can probably be honest about it and tell you the truth if you ask them. But are you ready to hear the truth and deal with the problem?

Here is a short quiz to test your knowledge about bad breath:

1. Does regularly brushing your teeth alone prevent bad breath?

If you think it does, then you probably have it. You need more than brush your teeth to avoid foul odor coming out of your mouth. You also need to floss to have a truly clean and healthy mouth. However, bad odors can also result from the bacteria present at the back of your tongue. You can use your toothbrush, a tongue scraper or a spoon to scrape that part clean.

2. What is the leading cause of bad breath?

There are plenty of scientific studies and lots of research went into this. Bacteria in the mouth is the main culprit of bad breath, just like it is the cause of the foul smell that comes from armpits. Sweat itself is odorless; it is the bacteria in your armpits that cause underarm odor.

3. Can you smell or taste your own bad breath?

Your own experience should tell you, you can't. You can observe that people who have this condition aren't exactly aware of it, as you yourself aren't if you have it.

4. Can dry mouth cause bad breath?

Yes, it certainly can. Food particles and other matter can accumulate inside your mouth especially if it is dry. This environment provides a rich feeding ground for bacteria which then go to work creating a stink in the mouth.

5. Do people cover their noses or turn their heads when you talk or go near them?

If they do, you have to honestly admit that there is a huge possibility that your breath smells and probably have other hygiene issues that should be looked into. It's about time that you do something about it and start changing your hygiene habits for the better.

Discover more information on bad breath from throat and how to get rid of it. Click here to read all about it.

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