Sunday, 30 September 2012

Reasons To Visit An Implant Dentist

While many stories of missing teeth may be filled with action, suspense, and a few good belly laughs, the repercussions of them are not nearly as exciting. Missing teeth are not only unsightly in today's world that is focused solely on appearances, but also cause pain and discomfort in many individuals. Whenever the embarrassment and discomfort from these missing teeth become too much for someone to bear, it may be time for him or her to schedule a consultation with an implant dentist. One of these medical professionals is always ready and willing to help reconstruct a person's teeth and transform them into a full and beautiful smile. There are several advantages to this appointment and the two-step procedure the doctor will perform.

The first is easier eating. This is true whether the patient was previously wearing some type of false teeth or not. The glue that holds false teeth in is not permanent by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes it does not even seem to be able to hold the teeth in place for a few hours. The teeth often slip in the mouth causing pain in the gums and difficulty with chewing. If the patient has not been wearing any type of false teeth, then he or she probably faces difficulty and discomfort biting and chewing on a daily basis. It may even have been necessary for them to change to a strictly soft food diet (which is easy on the palate, but not nearly as flavorful). Since the artificial implant the doctor anchors into the gum is permanent, there is no slippage or discomfort that is experienced while eating.

Speech may also be improved from these artificial roots. Whenever someone has a missing tooth, depending upon the location, his or her speech may be dramatically affected. Missing teeth can cause them to slur certain sounds together or develop a lisp or some other type of speech impediment. As dentures can slide around in the mouth, this can also create problems with speech because the teeth are not in the correct spots to form certain sounds. An implant dentist, however, can help change this. Because the implant is permanently in the correct spot and looks and feels like a regular tooth, many sounds that were difficult or impossible before surgery are as readily formed afterwards as they were before the teeth were missing.

The last advantage that can be offered to a patient who is undergoing this procedure is confidence and higher self-esteem. Many people are very embarrassed by the gaps between their teeth. The time they spend with others is always done self-consciously, for they are constantly trying not to laugh or crack a smile in front of new acquaintances, or even their friends. However, when an implant dentist reconstructs a smile, they are not only restoring a person's missing teeth, but also their spirit. Having a full, bright smile can give someone the confidence they need to tackle the world.

For the Euless tx implant dentist residents can rely on for enduring results, visit today to schedule an appointment.

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