Tuesday 23 October 2012

Antioxidants to Feed Your Skin

Antioxidants to Feed Your Skin

"You Are What You Eat"

You have probably heard this saying time and time again. Whether you believe it or not, it is actually true! Whatever you eat is what your skin uses in order to fight against the signs of aging. It is clear that by eating the right foods, you are giving your skin all the nutrients it needs to fight potential damage.

A study conducted by British researchers was published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition to demonstrate this idea. The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not people's skin was affected by what they ate. Overall, results showed that food intake does indeed play an important role. For instance, higher intake of "bad fats" (or saturated fats) and processed carbohydrates resulted in more pronounced wrinkles. On the contrary, a diet rich in vitamin C showed to decrease wrinkling later on in life.

By the same token, other studies have also shown that saturated fats, commonly found in junk food, can lead to an increase in sebum production and as a result, cause acne. Given these points, you can't deny that your diet does play a crucial role in your skin's appearance. This clearly suggests that one of the biggest and most common food-related myths which state that food does not affect your skin is simply NOT TRUE.

So, good news! No need to consider going under the knife or even going for Botox as soon as you hit 35 (or earlier for that matter)! Food CAN come to the rescue and help save your skin.

Your skin is a reflection of your internal health. If your skin is naturally glowing and smooth, it is normally an indication that you are healthy.

Therefore to ensure good health, you must change your eating habits to include healthier, supportive foods that will contribute to helping you achieve that natural glowing skin, free of fine lines and other unwanted symptoms.

A little earlier it was mentioned that a diet rich in Vitamin C can help reduce wrinkles further down the road. Why is that? It is because Vitamin C is actually an important and very powerful antioxidant. Fortunately, it is not only Vitamin C that has this capability. There are also several other antioxidants that can be found in some of our foods. For instance they can easily be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices/herbs and other vitamins as well. Therefore make sure to incorporate as many of these elements into your diet in order to maximize the benefits. The more of these foods you make a part of your daily eating habits, the more you are helping your skin look its best!

If you found this article helpful and would like to read more of Nadine's articles and tips on how to look and feel great in your thirties, visit her blog at http://www.naturalglowingskinover30.com/.

More Review at www.fxallbeauty.info

Antioxidants to Feed Your Skin

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Rich Amor said...

Great post, thank you for sharing this article. Unfortunately only small people recognize the benefit of serum vit C and antioxidant.

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