Monday 22 October 2012

Awaken Your Inner Beauty

Awaken Your Inner Beauty

The idea of nutritional supplements (or dietary supplements) does not necessarily bring forth a positive response for many women, unfortunately. When the thought is presented to us, for some reason our immediate reaction is to wrinkle our noses! Usually, what comes hand in hand with this facial expression is the following thought: "Supplements??? That's for old people!!" Well guess what? You couldn't be more wrong.

Nutritional supplements have absolutely nothing to do with age. They are applicable to any age group (yes, including the 30's!). As a matter of fact, many "young" thirty something celebrities as well as athletes swear by them. Not everyone chooses to go under the knife or opt for Botox in order for their skin to look good. Some actually prefer a less invasive and more natural route. And, when combined with other natural options such as healthy eating, exercise, a solid skin care regime, etc., natural glowing skin, free of signs of aging, does win in the end. Therefore, if you are truly looking to improve the appearance of your skin, you must make an effort to let go of any negative notions you may have associated to nutritional supplements from your mind. This will allow you to be more open to the idea, thus more willing to at least consider (if not try) including them into your lifestyle. After all, they have the power to bring great benefits to one's health, and consequently one's skin as well. Remember: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

In a previous article, we presented the idea that in order to make up for the lack of essential vitamins and minerals from your daily meals, you can take nutritional antioxidant supplements. If you are unfamiliar with what they are, simply put, they consist of vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet. They are either extracted from a plant or created in a laboratory that puts them into a form that can be taken orally and used by the body. They also contain other essential constituents such as... (drum roll please... )... antioxidants! Interesting...

Let's take a quick look at vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins consist of natural substances found in living organisms such as plants. Since they cannot be produced by the body, they must be obtained from foods, or supplements. As for minerals, they are found in plants as well, that absorb them from the soil. Just like vitamins they must be obtained from foods, or supplements. Altogether, natural, high-quality nutritional antioxidant supplements allow you to satisfy your nutrient deficiency caused by foods that have been depleted of their nutritional value. They also help your cells fight against free radicals which are the primary causes of premature aging. Therefore not only are you supplementing your body with what it needs to stay healthy, you are also putting the odds in your favor to keep your skin looking young and beautiful.

By giving your body and your cells everything they need in order to function properly, you will be able to enhance your appearance by improving your skin tone, elasticity and skin clearness.

As has been noted, it is important to focus on the outside, in other words on what products you apply on your skin. HOWEVER, above all, make sure to not neglect the inside. Give just as much, if not more, attention to what you put IN your body in order to compensate for your nutrient deficiency. That is the key to natural glowing skin: in and out. At the end of the day, if there is a problem on the inside, it will definitely reflect on the outside (on your skin).

Take a tree for example. To get healthy fruits, you must get healthy roots, right? If the roots are unhealthy, so will the fruit be, regardless of the amount of preservatives used. Similarly, your cells are your roots and they must be properly taken care of if you want to stay away from premature signs of aging. For this reason, internal health (regardless of skin color) is the key to external beauty (beautiful young-looking skin). By awakening your inner beauty first, your outer beauty will then shine.

It must be remembered:

People can worry about their skin and their external appearance as much as they want. At the end of the day, it is the inside that TRULY tells the tale.

Further to the notion of in and out, you may now be asking yourself:

"How do I know which nutritional supplements and skin care products I should purchase?"
Find out in my article entitled, "7 Things to Look for When Choosing Nutritional Supplements and Skin Care Products". If you found this article helpful and would like to read more of Nadine's articles and tips on how to look and feel great in your thirties, visit her blog at

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