Saturday, 20 October 2012

Nutritional Deficiency? Who Me?

Did you know that your health begins with that of your cells? Hence, if your cells are healthy, so are you. Therefore proper nutrition is crucial for cellular nutrition, which in turn is important for maintaining cellular health and thus keeping your skin looking younger. You probably know that the only way your cells can win the fight against free radicals, caused by external factors, is with proper nutrients and of course antioxidants, as they protect your cells and help your skin repair damage.

Now, if nutrients and antioxidants are the only elements that have the ability to give your cells the boost they need to fight free radicals, then one question that may come to your mind is, "Are my cells actually getting the proper nutrition required to win this fight?"

In order to answer this question, let's first take a look at our soil. You are probably aware that in North America, nutrient depletion in our soil has become a huge concern. We are supposed to obtain our vitamins and minerals from what we eat but unfortunately, we don't. How come? Well, because strong fertilizers are used by farmers in order to produce what seem to be nutritious crops but in reality, are simply not. Fertilized fruits and vegetables, for example, may have a good caloric content, but in terms of real nutrition, they do not have much. As you purchase a bag of Granny Smith Apples or a bag of carrots, you are probably thinking to yourself that you are doing your body a huge nutritious favor. But guess what? You are not! What are you getting instead? Empty calories-in other words, slim-to-none essential nutrients are what you are truly getting. More alarming is that the majority of produce sold in grocery stores actually fall under this category as well, whether they come directly from the soil or not.

Let's take chicken as an example. Think about the hot summer days when you are barbecuing in your backyard with your friends; all of you are savoring tender, juicy chicken breasts... Mmmmm, simply delectable, right? Well, for it to taste this way on your taste buds, keep in mind that the little chicken on your plate was initially injected with various chemicals designed to fight parasites, improve the pigmentation in the meat, grow at a faster rate and with bigger and more tender muscles before it was slaughtered and cooked. Remember back in high school when you were taught transitive relations, where if A is related to B and B is in turn related to C, then A is also related to C? Well check this out:

You (A) eat chicken (B). Chicken (B) ate chemicals (C). Then you (A) ate chemicals (C) too!

Back to our soil; equally important, over time, heavy use of fertilizers by farmers causes the soil to eventually lose all of it nutrients. In turn, this deficiency in vitamins and minerals results in the soil being burnt out. So, the answer to the previous question of whether or not your cells are getting the proper nutrition required to fight free radicals, is a big NO! And don't forget, your skin is also paying the price!!!

The main challenge is obtaining enough of the right nutrients in today's environment. According to a government study, the majority of North Americans are deficient in essential nutrients. This does not come as a surprise, considering the type of fast-paced lifestyle we have been living in. That is to say that it is quite difficult to get the optimal amounts of nutrients needed just from the foods we eat in today's society.

That being said, did you know:

To get the daily recommended amount of vitamin E that is needed, you would need to consume: 13.8 cups of vitamin E fortified wheat germ, 7.5 cups of unsalted dry-roasted almonds, 72.6 cups of cooked, boiled, and drained unsalted spinach, and finally drink 3.6 cups of safflower oil-every single day!

Quite unrealistic but true-believe it or not. And that's just for vitamin E! Imagine the other ones! At the end of the day, this would require that you quit your full-time job in order to become a stay-at-home eater, simply to ensure that you get the daily recommended servings of foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals!!! That is just plain crazy!

Fortunately, on the positive side, there is actually one thing that you can do in order to help make all this possible, without having to quit your job! So, if today's fast-paced lifestyle fueled with a "GO!-GO!-GO!" mentality is preventing us from getting the proper nutrition that is required for optimal health, then how can we compensate for this lack? I'm glad you asked. The SOLUTION is to take essential vitamins and minerals in the form of:


Find out more about them in my article entitled "Awaken Your Inner Beauty"

If you found this article helpful and would like to read more of Nadine's articles and tips on how to look and feel great in your thirties, visit her blog at

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