Thursday, 11 October 2012

Strategies for Summer Skin Care

Summer is the season for outdoor activities and warm temperatures. As everyone ventures to the beach for recreational fun, your need to protect your skin from summer's harsh elements increases. By following these helpful skin care tips, you can enjoy the bounties of the season without having to worry about damaging your skin.


The summer months are typically spent outdoors enjoying an abundance of activities such as swimming, biking, running, gardening and tennis. Overexposure to the sun's harmful rays can result in sun damage, skin cancer, wrinkles and premature aging. Dermatologists recommend applying an SPF of 30 or more sunscreen every two hours to help protect your skin. You can also avoid being in direct sunlight during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. when the sun is at its peak. If you're going to be out for long periods of time, you can wear a hat that allows you enough coverage to protect your face and neck. If you notice any unusual moles, bumps or skin discolorations, make an appointment with your dermatology office for a routine exam.


Despite all of your efforts, sunburn can occur and be quite painful. Use cool water to soothe the discomfort and apply lotion to the affected areas. Aloe Vera juice, cold plain yogurt and cucumbers are also other natural remedies used in relieving painful sunburn.

Clean and Apply Moisturizer

During the summer months you may find you need to bathe more frequently due to the increase of summer activities. Abrasive soaps and cleaning products can remove necessary oils from your body and leave your skin feeling dry and irritated. When you're ready for a bath or shower, use lukewarm or cool water and keep your time limited. This will help you to retain moisture and prevent drying out your skin. Use a moisturizing soap that is gentle on your skin and apply moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower. Exfoliating your skin with an oil based scrub will keep your skin looking hydrated and nourished.

Healthy Diet

Since you'll be outside more often during the summer months, and you'll be experiencing warmer temperatures, you want to make sure you drink plenty of water. Take a bottle of water with you wherever you go, to avoid being dehydrated. For added flavor and nutrients, place several lemon slices into your beverage. Summer is also the perfect time of year to follow a healthy diet with all of the nutritional bounty at your fingertips. Your local farmer's market will have an array of fruits and vegetables chalk full of vitamins that will help keep your skin looking younger and more vibrant.

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