Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Things to Do to Avoid Dark Circles Under Eyes

Too much sunlight exposure, allergies and sleep deprivation are only several of the things which might make you suffer from puffy eyes that can make you seem tired and even old. If you are determined to make your under eye skin much lighter, here are several suggestions that you might want to keep in mind.

Avoid alcohol. Most of the alcoholic drinks might cause the dilation of the blood vessels under your skin and this can then lead to the dark circles becoming much more prominent. You might want to scale back on your alcohol intake to lessen your chances of suffering from these dark circles.

See to it that you get sufficient sleep. In case you are always deprived of sleep, you have higher chance of developing these eye problem. As much as possible, you must try to get at least eight hours sleeping time every night.

Add one pillow. Having your head elevated while sleeping will be able to help n keeping the fluid from accumulating below your eyes that can contribute to the development of dark circles and puffiness.

Drink your vitamins. Deficiencies in vitamins, particularly lack of antioxidants such as E, C and A as well as vitamin B can lead to the development of dark circles. In case you do not get sufficient nutrients in the daily diet plan that you are following, you might want to add some multivitamin in your routine every day.

Keep things cool. The cold compresses will be able to help in decreasing the swelling below the eyes and lessening the appearance of dark circles. You might want to try to apply wet and cold bags of green tea or cucumber slices in order to help in erasing the circles and revitalizing the skin while you also lessen the puffiness at the same time.

Give the alpha hydroxy acids a try. Lotions which have alpha hydroxy acids content will be useful in plumping up your thin under eye skin through giving an additional layer between the blood vessels and the surface of the skin that causes dark under eyes. However, see to it that you only pick a lotion that has been specifically made for your under eye skin in order to stay away from getting your sensitive skin irritated.

Use sunscreen. Exposure to sun can amplify the melanin amount of your skin that may darken it and make your under eye circles even more prominent. See to it that you use a sunscreen with high SPF around your eye area and if you want, you might also want to wear sunglasses so that you can give your skin with additional protection against the sun.

Mask your dark circles. In the event that the job cannot be done by other treatments, makeup will be able to help you in camouflaging those under eye dark circles. Search for a concealer of creamy type that matches the tone of your skin then pat some small quantity using light and feathery strokes.

Visit your doctor. Your dermatologist will be able to prescribe more intensive treatments that can help you in saying goodbye to your dark circles under eyes once and for all, and these include chemical peels, injectable fillers such as restylane as well as laser treatments. These are just some of the things that you can do to avoid dark circles below your eyes.

Faye Curtiz is an avid health and Beauty enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at

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