Sunday, 7 October 2012

Unibrow Removal Solutions: Evaluating Available Options

When hair grows between a person's two eyebrows, he or she is said to have a unibrow. The unibrow is not a popular look in America and those who have one often suffer from low self-esteem as a result. Many find that the only way to regain their confidence is to attempt unibrow removal using one of the many hair removal products on the market today. There are several products available depending: on how much money one wants to spend, how frequently they want to use the product, and how simple the product is to use. This article will break down some of the most popular hair removal products so that individuals can determine the unibrow removal item or technique that best fits their needs.

Shaving: Shaving is the simplest way to remove hair between eyebrows, as it takes just a few seconds and most already own a razor. However, a razor will only remove hairs at the skin level. This means that results are short-lived and hairs will need to be shared again in two to three days, when they grow back thicker.Laser Hair Removal: On the opposite end of the spectrum, one can go to a laser hair specialist for unibrow removal. After a treatment is completed, one will only need to go back once per year for a touch-up. However, this treatment option is extremely costly, as an individual might spend up to $500 for treatments.

Most prefer to find an option that is more effective than shaving, but less costly than laser hair removal. Here are a few of the popular hair removal products currently on the market:

Hair Removal Cream: This cream is chemically engineered to weaken hair follicles so that they will weaken at the base and cause the hair to fall out. Individuals spread the cream on the area between eyebrows and the unibrow hairs will fall out shortly after. This option is inexpensive, and those with sensitive skin might feel pain after applying the cream.Hot Wax: Contained in a jar, the wax is placed between the eyebrows and removed when it dries, pulling out the hairs in the process. This is a simple process that causes a few seconds of pain.Waxing Strips for Sensitive Skin: One less messy alternative is to use hot waxing strips, which are cloth strips that contain wax on them. Individuals place the strip onto the area between the eyebrows and then rapidly pull it away to complete the unibrow removal. Those with sensitive skin should look out for special products that are formulated to cause individuals less pain when they removed.

Regardless of whether one uses hot wax or wax for sensitive skin, the individual should make sure to use after waxing oil. This oil will not only remove excess wax residue, but will also nourish skin so that redness and risk of infection are reduced as much as possible. Individuals who have questions about the options mentioned above should consult with suppliers of hair removal products to find the best product based on consumer skin type and price needs.

Individuals who need unibrow removal can choose from a number of hair removal products.

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