Wednesday 23 January 2013

Caring For Your Blonde Hair

Getting those luscious, beautiful blonde locks looking their best can be a lot of work. If you aren't a natural blonde then getting your hair to the colour you want and keeping it there requires time, patience and enough regular maintenance to make any car owner cringe! It's a lot of fun though, and if you know how to properly care for your hair then it isn't too hard to keep it looking fantastic.

Tips on Bleaching Your Hair

- Go to a salon! Bleaching your hair is an incredibly intensive and damaging process, not something you should be risking with a box from the supermarket. Let the professionals take care of your hair and you won't regret it

- Tackle the process slowly, over time, not all at once. Too many try to achieve the colour they want on their first visit to the salon. If you go lighter and lighter incrementally over a few visits then you're less likely to cause irreversible damage to your hair and more likely to get the look you want in a way that's healthier for your hair

- Touch up your roots often. Visit the salon once a month to keep your roots in check - nothing spoils a great hair colour more than visible regrowth that's a noticeably different colour

- Use purple shampoo to tone brassy hair. If your hair starts to yellow overtime, a blonde shampoo can properly tone your hair and refresh its colour. If that doesn't seem to be effective, talk to your stylist about toning and what the best course of action is

Top Blonde Hair Care Tips

- Avoid shampooing your hair as frequently. Shampooing strips the hair of essential oils and, even though it adds its own nutrients, it's never as good as the stuff your hair produces naturally! Hair powder can absorb excess oils for you and will avoid drying out and damaging your hair - something especially important if your hair is bleached

- Use products for colour treated hair. Conditioners and shampoos for colour treated hair contain moisturisers and filters designed to protect from UV rays and sun damage that bleached hair is susceptible to

- Use the occasional deep conditioning treatment to maintain your hair's health after bleaching. It'll revitalise the hair and leave it silkier and richer, even after dying

Achieve the colour that you want, keep your hair looking fantastic and prevent damage by following a few of these dying and colour care tips. Going blonde requires a bit of work, but the payoff is absolutely worth it. You'll look great, feel great and enjoy a confidence boost with the colour that you've always wanted.

Find out more about our hair services at Loaf Salon in Christchurch today.

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