Saturday, 30 June 2012

Different Types of Hair Straighteners

Hair can be straight or curly, long or short. While many women prefer to have their natural hair style, others like to have a different style once in a while or eliminate some imperfections like the frizz and the natural waves. People with straight hair may prefer a curly style and vice versa. Instead of going to the salon to get their hair done and pay an expensive price for it, some folks prefer to do their hair at home and still achieve the same, impressive look. With the tools and different hair treatments available, this is very easy but will require a bit of time for preparation.

Store-Brought Flat Iron Straighteners

Many brands of ceramic flat iron straighteners are available in local stores and online shops. It used to be an expensive product for expert stylists only. But with the demand of the market, more and more easy-to-use flat iron straighteners are now available for consumer use. You can even buy a reliable GHD cheap straightener in local supermarkets and trusted online stores nowadays.

However, the disadvantage with using this type of product is the short-term result. After washing your hair, the effect is gone. You may have to keep using straighteners to achieve the results again. Hair experts, however, do not recommend the use of this product on a daily basis because it can damage hair and cause brittleness, split ends, and dryness.

Thermal Reconditioning

If you want semi-permanent long, straight locks, there are salon-administered treatments like thermal reconditioning. A chemical is applied on your hair, and a stylist will use ceramic flat irons repeatedly to achieve desired results. The effect can last for about 6 months with proper care and maintenance. You may also try using frizz-control serums offered by Pantene and Dove Hair.

Chemical Straighteners

Chemical straighteners are also salon-administered treatments that are ideal for very curly hair. If the use of ceramic flat irons and thermal reconditioning doesn't give the best results, this is your next best option. It deeply straightens hair's structure to remove the curls and straighten permanently. After a couple of months, however, new growth of curly hair will be visible, making treated hair look untidy. Many women who undergo such treatment will prefer to repeat the procedure after several months to retain the same look.

Whether you're using a GHD cheap straightener or getting your hair straightened in salons for treatments, always practice utmost precaution. Hair becomes damaged when exposed to various chemicals and subjected to several treatments. Always use good products and keep hair well-maintained with good shampoo, conditioner, and other trusted hair care products in the market today.

You can find good hair care products and Ry GHD cheap straighteners by visiting online stores and local shops. Always rely on trusted brands in hair care.

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