Sunday, 3 June 2012

Tips on How to Get Rid of Dandruff at Home

Tips on How to Get Rid of Dandruff at Home

If people try to check the internet, they will see that there have been millions of people who have been looking for home remedies for dandruff. Dandruff is definitely one of those irksome things that make a lot of people become conscious due to the fall-outs. A dry and itchy scalp is something that could really be very uncomfortable as well as frustrating, especially when the itchiness will not go away. One of the common causes of dandruff is that the pH of the scalp changes, making the skin flake and become itchy. Once the pH has been restored to the normal state, the scalp returns to normal and dandruff goes away.

Basically, there are two types of dandruff to contend with: oily dandruff and dry dandruff. The type of dandruff that a person has depends on his or her skin type. Having healthy hair also means having a healthy scalp and the presence of dandruff indicates that there is something wrong with the scalp. Normally, the skin sheds every 27-28 days, making way for new skin cells to emerge. But, the shedding of skin cells cannot be seen by the naked eye. When the scalp starts flaking, there is something wrong with what is supposed to be a normal process of shedding old skin cells.

There have been various home remedies for dandruff that people have tried, in an attempt to get rid of dandruff. There are also a lot of medicated products that aim to get rid of dandruff, but many people think that they are too harsh on the scalp. This is why many want to try alternative remedies that they could simply concoct at home, using the usual things that could be found there. Here is a short list of the popular remedies that people use to say goodbye to dandruff:

a) For people who have oily dandruff (the scalp becomes strangely sticky due to the mixing of excess sebum and the old skin cells), hot steam baths work really well. This remedy, however, is not indicated for those with dry dandruff.

b) Olive oil or sesame oil are known to be great for the skin, which is why many people also found out that massaging any of these oils onto the scalp and hair before sleeping will help to hydrate the scalp. The hair also becomes a lot shinier due to these oils.

c) There are times when a simple changing of hair products such as shampoo could already do the trick. There are people who might have a reaction to the shampoos that they use, hence the development of dandruff.

d) Mixing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 tablespoons of warm water is also a well-known remedy for dandruff, especially for children. With a cotton ball, the mixture is applied to the scalp and left overnight. The next morning, the person should shampoo his or her hair to wash off the mixture.

These are just some of the popular home remedies for dandruff that people try. There are a lot more out there, people may just have to check what works for them best.

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Tips on How to Get Rid of Dandruff at Home

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samdaddycool said...

Very good info. I think most of us having the scalp problem, especially women wearing hijab.

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