Friday, 1 June 2012

What is Laser Liposuction

What is Laser Liposuction

The pressure to be thin and beautiful has never been as great as it is today. We live in a society that is obsessed with perfection - whether it involves wrinkle-free skin, shiny hair, or a perfectly shaped body. With so much pressure to look great, many people - both men and women - have turned to cosmetic surgery to alter their appearance and create a look that is more visually appealing to both themselves and others. While the long-term results of cosmetic surgery are typically favorable, the actual surgery and recovery can be very painful and time intensive. However, modern technology has brought several improvements for those who want to alter their look, but don't want to go under the knife. One of these new technologies is laser lipo.

Traditional Liposuction Explained

One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries is liposuction, which removes fat tissue from various areas of the body like the stomach, thighs, hips, etc. Traditional liposuction involves making incisions into treated area and using a device to dislodge the fatty tissue and essentially suck it out of the body. Traditional liposuction is generally effective in reducing fat on the body; however, it results in severe bruising, soreness, and recovery time directly after surgery, in addition to the scars that are left long-term after surgery.

Traditional liposuction also requires the use of general anesthesia, which adds to the complicated nature of the procedure along with the recovery time required after the surgery. Because it is an invasive procedure, traditional liposuction must be performed by a trained cosmetic surgeon, which generally adds to the cost of the overall procedure.

The Laser Liposuction Solution

Modern technology has allowed for new devices to be created that aid in fat loss without the use of invasive surgery, anesthesia, or even recovery time. There are several different laser liposuction devices available on the market today, but many of them use the same basic technology to dissolve fat non-surgically.

These devices use "cold laser" technology to penetrate fat cells directly beneath the skin. As these cells are penetrated, the fat cells release triglycerides and essentially shrink in diameter. After the fat is released from these cells, it enters the body's lymphatic system and is excreted naturally just as toxins are.

Laser liposuction treatments generally last about 20-30 minutes. Because they utilize cold laser technology, the patient doesn't feel any pain or discomfort. These procedures don't require any recovery time afterward, and are a natural way for the body to release fat.

Making the Most of Laser Liposuction

The best results for laser liposuction come when these procedures are done in conjunction with proper dieting and exercise. Just like the laws of science, when more calories are consumed than needed, the excess calories will be stored as fat. Without a proper diet, those who undergo laser liposuction won't see the desirable long-term effects that they could if they were eating the proper amount of calories and exercising like they should. Laser lipo is a great solution for targeting stubborn pockets of fat that are hard to get rid of even with diet and exercise. These treatments are also proven to be effective for cellulite treatment and removal in trouble areas. Whether you are looking for New York or Las Vegas lipo laser, make sure to do the proper background research to find a qualified professional for laser liposuction treatments in your area. Dream Body Lipo Laser is one of the leading providers of Las Vegas lipo laser and body contouring services.

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stacie28 said...

Indeed, today, many women and men are obsessed with perfection and they want a perfectly shaped body. That's why, more and more people undergo a liposuction Montreal procedure. This treatment can make them look much better, more beautiful and more attractive.

Jack Sebastian said...

Laser liposuction is seldom known as lipolysis – a non-surgical method of removing fats from certain parts of the body. What’s more interesting about this technique is its ability to tighten skin after the fat has been removed. This procedure is primarily painless, although it is slightly hurtful, as the injection enters the skin. But overall, the result is worth it.

Liposuction Price experts said...

Two thumbs up for this article. This is very informative, concise and definitely understandable. Look forward to more of your posts.

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