Sunday, 7 October 2012

5 Important Points To Follow To Keep Your Skin Glowing

If you are still fresh-faced and dewy, you might think that your youthful looks are going to last forever - but they won't, sad to say that. As you grow older, stress, environmental pollution, extended sun exposures and inadequate rest will contribute to wrinkles, uneven skin tone and sagging, as well as other signs of skin damage.

The good news is that - male or female - you can still have good-looking skin even as you grow older. But only if you start taking care of it as soon as possible.

Here are 5 important points you need to understand in order to have healthy-looking skin:

1. Watch what you eat

Some people believe that chocolate, fizzy drinks and greasy foods can cause pimples, but reportedly, these are just myths. Studies have shown that these have little to no effect on acne. Instead, what scientists have found is that certain dairy products and carb-rich foods, such as bread and chips, can trigger acne in certain individuals.

But whatever you may believe, the best bet is to always eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Red, orange and blue/purple fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, mangoes and capsicums are full of powerful antioxidants and vitamins. If your daily meals contain recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, you will find that your skin texture may actually improve within a couple of weeks and this will actually put a glow on your face.

2. Get enough sleep

Keeping late nights might seem like a part and parcel of many people but this continual nocturnal habit can also lead to puffy eyes, dark circles and sallow skin, and these skin problems will get harder to address as you grow older. At whatever age, you need to give you skin a good rest by getting recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

If you are putting makeup, ensure that your face is totally washed clean before going to bed, failing to do so will cause bacteria to build up on your skin, and lead to clogged pores.

3. Exercise, exercise, exercise

It's a common sense that exercise is great for your body and skin! Physical activities do promote the flow of oxygen rich blood to the skin, allowing it to "breath" and flush out toxins in the process. Just remember to apply a layer of oil-free, broad spectrum sunscreen when you are going to exercise outdoors. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of wrinkes and other signs of ageing.

4. Cleanse-Tone-Moisture

Good skins don't require expensive creams and serums or complicated skincare routines. All you need is a few excellent products that work for you and a simple three-step routine of cleaning, toning and moisturizing once in the morning and once before bedtime.

When choosing skincare products, avoid cleansers with harsh chemicals or toners with high alcohol content. These can strip your skin off its natural oils and cause excessive dryness. In some cases, excessive dryness can actually irritate the skin into producing more sebum, which in turn can lead to more pimples.

When picking a moisturizer, pick one that is oil-free and contains ingredients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea or niacinamide. These are all powerful antioxidants which can minimize skin damage caused by prolonged sun exposure and pollution.

If you can plagued by zits, apply tea tree oil or a topical cream with salicyclic acid to the affected area twice a day - instead of popping them.

5. Keep away from cigarettes

Kick habits such as smoking and drinking. Both alcohol and tobacco are dehyrating and can rob your skin off its natural moisture. Several studies have shown that smoking also reduces the supply of oxygen to your skin and poisons it with carbon monoxide and other chemicals.

Ken encourages everyone of us to eat a meal without meat just once a week for a start. Too much meat consumption raises the acidic level and there is a need to flush the toxins out and a good method is to that is to drink aloe vera juice. Here are some aloe vera juice recipes which are very simple to follow and it keeps your skin glowing too.

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