Sunday, 7 October 2012

How Hair Removal Cream Addresses Problem Areas

Whether it's on the legs, face, or bikini area, women have a number of areas where embarrassing hair can grow. Unfortunately, facial and bodily hair is a source of major frustration for women and can lead to a low self-esteem. There are a number of options like home waxing strips or electrolysis that women can use to remove unsightly hair but most have downsides like high cost, inconvenience, or painfulness.

For example, laser hair removal and electrolysis are two methods that can permanently remove bodily and facial hair. A trained technician, who directs the laser to the hair follicle to stop the growth, performs laser hair removal. Electrolysis is also performed by a trained professional, an electrologist, who inserts a needle into the follicle and shoots an electric current into the individual hair to keep it from growing. However, both of these options require one to leave the home and pay several hundred dollars for results.

More convenient options are performed at home, inexpensively, and offer temporary hair removal. These methods are split into two categories:

Depilation: This method removes hair at the skin level and includes products like hair removal cream.Epilation: This method removes hair at the follicle base for longer lasting results and includes products like home waxing strips.

To better illustrate the differences between these two types of products, this rest of this article will compare hair removal cream and home waxing strips.

As mentioned above, hair removal cream is a depilation method because hair is removed at the skin level. Individuals purchase this product and place it at the site where removal is desired. These creams are chemically engineered to break down keratin bonds that hold the hair together, allowing follicles to fall off of the body. The results will usually last no more than one week, at which point one will have to repeat the process. Consumers should research the kinds of removal cream they are considering before making a purchase, as some chemicals will only work on certain areas of the body, while others will cause irritation for those with sensitive skin.

Home waxing strips produce results that last 2-3 weeks, and for this reason is the preferred option. Strips of cloth coated with wax are sold in packages for under $20, and the entire process takes no more than ten minutes. The individual places the home waxing strips onto the area where hair removal is desired, then rips the strip off in one swift motion to pull hairs out at the follicle base. This method will cause immediate redness and a stinging sensation, which can last longer for those who are new to waxing. Those with sensitive skin should seek out home waxing strips that have been formulated for individuals with sensitive skin to prevent increased pain and irritation.

Regardless of which product an individual prefers to use, she should speak with a supplier of hair removal products before making a purchase. This way, the customer can find a product that is best for the area where removal is to take place, and that will cause the least pain or irritation.

Hair removal cream and home waxing strips are two hair removal products that are inexpensive and easy to use.

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