Monday, 15 October 2012

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch mark scars develop when the skin expands past its normal level of elasticity. There are numerous reasons why these marks may develop. The most common culprits include rapid weight loss or weight gain, pregnancy, and even underlying medical conditions such as those that involve the thyroid. While it is true that many experience severe complications ridding themselves of the stretch marks that have developed on their skin, there are cases where individuals have learned how to get rid of stretch marks naturally and successfully.

There are many different methods that individuals have used successfully to eliminate the appearance of these skin marks. In this article, you will learn about these techniques.

Optimize Skin Elasticity

If you are interested in learning how to get rid of stretch marks naturally, the first step you should take is to learn about skin elasticity and then take measures to improve the elasticity of the skin. Elastin is a special type of protein that is located within the skin. Its functionality is to help the skin to naturally stretch without resulting in damage.

According to clinical studies, stretch marks typically develop when the skin stretches at an unusually rapid rate. This stretching has the potential to break down the elastin protein. As it does, the marks start to become visible on the skin.

When learning how to naturally get rid of stretch marks, you will find that most doctors believe that optimizing the elasticity is one of the most productive steps that can be taken to achieve success. The following highlights some simple methods that may be used to optimize skin elasticity:

1) - You should ensure that you ingest supplements on a daily basis that contains an ingredient called "Ascorbic Acid". There are also many foods that contain this ingredient that may be consumed on a daily basis. Examples of these food products include citrus fruits and kiwi. According to clinical studies, this type of acid assists in improving how much elastin the body produces and in strengthening the elastin protein that is already within the body.

2) - When learning how to get rid of stretch marks naturally, you will discover that many sufferers utilize specially designed sponges on the skin that are created from gourds that have been cultivated. In most cases, these sponges are referred to as a "Loofah". You will find that this sponge is quite abrasive. It works by eliminating dead skin and other types of detrimental debris from the surface of the skin. By doing so, the skin is then able to retain higher amounts of moisture. As a result, the skin becomes more flexible and stretch marks that are present on the skin will start to fade.

3) - The next step in ridding your skin of embarrassing stretch marks is to optimize the amount of moisture that is within the skin. Not only does this optimize the elasticity of the skin, but is assists in encouraging new skin to grow. Engaging in steps like consuming up to ten glasses of water daily, using lotions that contain vitamins A, C and E, and applying cocoa butter directly to affected regions of the skin are all productive means of enhancing the moisture within the skin.


Learning how to get rid of stretch marks naturally is not a difficult task, but it may be a task that requires a bit of research and patience.

As you browse natural remedies online and in local media venues - such as libraries - you are likely to find a lot of information on the topic. Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting and incorrect information pertaining to natural remedies for stretch marks.

By using the information in this guide, you will find that you see results. However, hydrating the skin and optimizing the skin's elasticity, will allow you to experience the results that you desire in eliminating the visible
stretch marks on your skin.

Flynn Corbet has helped countless people effectively eliminate unsightly and embarrassing stretch marks. Find out more about natural treatments and the best prevention and strategies by visiting today.

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally

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skin rejuvenation said...

You can also try aloe vera gel

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