Monday, 26 November 2012

4 Ways to Keep Skin From Drying out in the Winter

4 Ways to Keep Skin From Drying out in the Winter

By the time winter rolls around, it's often a welcome relief: no more unbearable heat, finding peppermint-flavored things at every retailer and of course, the chance of snow. However, there's one thing we never look forward to, and that is the dry, cracked skin that becomes inevitable from November to February.

This year, make it your resolution to not fall victim to "Elephant Hands" (or feet, or elbows). Here are four ways you can use moisturizers as dry skin remedies for softer skin this winter.

1) Find the right moisturizing cream.

We're not talking your run-of-the-mill hand lotions that dry up in a few seconds. Get a thick cream that penetrates several layers of the skin, so that as skin cells flake off (which happens regardless of the season), the layers underneath are just as hydrated.

The exception to this rule is for your face. Delicate facial skin may not be compatible with heavy creams, especially acne-prone skin. Instead, utilize a face moisturizer, lotion or cream that is meant specifically for use on the face.

2) Moisturize your face twice a day.

Water is a major culprit when it comes to dryness, so each time you wash your face, be sure to apply your moisturizer immediately afterward. That means first thing in the morning before you put on your makeup, and immediately before you go to bed. If you only use a facial cleanser once per day, you should still moisturize - either after your makeup is removed in the evening or before you put it on in the first place.

3) Trap the moisture.

Some good moisturizers can have a slight greasy residue that you don't want to track around all day. In that case, for full-body emolliating, apply your rejuvenating cream right before bed. Apply it to your hands, arms, legs, shoulders, feet and any other locations where your skin is noticeably dry. (To lock in moisture, you can put on socks afterwards or special gloves meant to trap in moisture overnight.) Once you slide under the covers, the coolness of the sheets will prevent the slickness of your skin from bothering you, and when you wake up in the morning, your body will be softer.

4) Every time you wash your hands, lotion up.

Finally, keep a small bottle of lotion or hand cream at your desk or in your purse where you can easily access it throughout the day. Every time you wash your hands - after using the restroom, and before eating - you should apply your hydrating cream. When you rub it in, make sure to get in between your fingers, your palms and even your wrists, as hand soap and water can reach all those crevices.

Utilize these four tips, and you'll effectively avoid dry skin all season.

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4 Ways to Keep Skin From Drying out in the Winter

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