Monday, 26 November 2012

Learn to Look Beautiful Using Mineral Foundation

Learn to Look Beautiful Using Mineral Foundation

Makeup is one of the ways by which women for centuries have made themselves look more beautiful and gorgeous in the eyes of beholder. Over the centuries the use of makeup has evolved and today it is used to accentuate the positive aspects of a face and lighten the not so good parts. But the composition and ingredients of most makeup available in the market today poses a serious threat to the skin. Laced with harmful chemicals, dyes and perfume they slowly damage the skin quality. But thanks to the advent of mineral cosmetics and foundation now there is no risk to applying makeup.

Mineral makeup is in rage these days and there is good reason for it too. Most mineral foundation is made from naturally occurring substances. They are extracted from the earth in the form of minerals and then processed to make foundation. Unlike their chemical counterparts these mineral makeup creams and lotions contains no harmful agents and are suited for all skin types. They are gentle on the skin and give the skin a natural glow. Prolonged use does not cause any skin damage or premature development of wrinkles. It is no wonder that the sales of mineral makeup products are growing by leaps and bounds every year. Initially they were only available in the form of powder but now you can get them in the form of cheek blush, lip color, eye liner, and other products. Some of these mineral skin foundation products are also available with natural SPF which helps to block the harmful UVB and UVA rays and protect the skin. Although these products have a lot of positive sides but knowing how to apply them in the correct way is also essential.

The first step to applying mineral foundation is getting the right shade of foundation for your skin. If you get it wrong then it will look like you are wearing a mask on your face and no amount of blending can cover it. The best way to get the right shade is to first buy a starter kit. A starter kit contains foundation of different shades; experiment with it at home and see which shade suits you the best. You can also take help from online tools. Once you have decided the shade the next step is to apply the foundation. To do it you will need a powder brush. This will ensure that you get a light layer of the foundation. One of the best things about mineral cosmetics is that you need only a light layer to get the desired effect. Next dip the powder brush in the foundation, tap off the excess at the edge of the container. Start applying the foundation from the outside edges of your faces and slowly work to the inside, using a circular motion.

Learning how to apply mineral foundation takes some time and once you get used to it, it becomes very easy. After applying the foundation do not forget to apply setting powder or else things will look different after a few hours.

Want to know about the beauty visit here :

Learn to Look Beautiful Using Mineral Foundation

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