Monday, 21 January 2013

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the second most popular aesthetic procedure in the U.S. Women get breast implants to make their breasts bigger and fuller. There are two types of breast implants - saline and silicone. Saline are silicone shells filled with sterile water. Silicone-filled implants are silicone shells filled with a plastic gel made of silicone. In 1992, the FDA halted the sale of silicone implants because of safety concerns. In 2006, after more data was accumulated, the FDA allowed to sell silicone implants. A third company, Sientra, has also received FDA approval recently to make a silicone gel implant.

There are two kinds of silicone implants, round implants and anatomical implants. Although female breasts are not round by nature, the traditional round implant remains the most widely used implants for breast surgery in most places. When round implants are used above the pectoral muscle without sufficient glandular-tissue cover, they will yield a characteristic rounded appearance. However, when using the dual plane partial sub-muscular approach, round implants will provide a natural-looking breast. In selecting a round implant, two parameters are important: the diameter of the implant, and the projection of the implant. By adjusting these parameters, the proper implant volume can be chosen.

The anatomical implants are used to provide a natural-looking female breast appearance. Its function is to position volume where desired. Their characteristics are a flatter upper breast pole and a fuller lower breast curve. In addition to providing an aesthetic and firmer appearance, these can also be used to lift the breast, to improve appearance for patients with breast-base deformities (tubular breasts), to restore volume lost after breast feeding and for a wide range of reconstructive procedures following oncology surgery. Anatomical implants may provide 'three-dimensional' breast enhancement with specific implant dimensions for each patient including the width,the height and the projection of the implant. Comparing anatomical and round implants with corresponding width, anatomical implants will be approximately 20% lighter than round implants.

Because it is a cosmetic procedure, health insurance usually doesn't cover breast augmentation.

Before your breast augmentation procedure, you will meet with your surgeon for a medical consultation. Your surgeon may ask you to stop smoking and stop taking certain medications a few weeks before your surgery.

The surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure, under general anesthesia, during which you will be pain-free. It usually takes one to two hours. The surgical incision is usually done under the breasts (at the inframammary fold) or around your nipples depending on the patient's preference, the shape of the breast, the type of implant and how much enlargement is being done.

The surgeon will put the breast implant into a pocket above or below your chest muscle. After the implant is in place, the surgeon will close the cuts with sutures or surgical tape.

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