Sunday, 11 March 2012

Which Hair Extension Type to Choose

Which Hair Extension Type to Choose

Hair extensions are a whole subject of their own. There are a wide range of different types, colors and ways to attach them. If you decide you want to give them a try, or if you want to use them as a near permanent option, you will certainly have to do your research. To make it easier I have provided a bullet point list of the different types to help distinguish some of the choices available.

Whether you are looking for a quick, easy option or something that will last longer and uses higher quality products, you will be able to find something to suit.

One of the first options which are popular amongst people who are new to the world of extensions is clip in pieces:

These are the easiest type of hair extensions to buy and are perfect for novices.To attach them you simply clip them in!You should start by separating your hair and work your way from the nape of the neck.You can add in as many as you want.If you have missed a spot it is easy to just clip more in, or if you want to add extra. volume for a special occasion it can be easily achieved.You can purchase them in a variety of subtle and crazy colors!

A more funky and creative option which is also a simple and effective choice are feather extensions:

They come in a range of interesting colors and designs.They are simple to put in using micro rings so you can take them out and put them in with little hassle.They add a fun and individual look.

Another option, which will last longer than the clip in variety and is more of a certain choice if you are thinking about having them put in regularly, is bonding and sealing:

These can last up to four months so should be considered with more care as they are plaited into your natural tresses.They are then bonded together using an agent.They are then painted over so that the colours match up. A more permanent and serious option to consider is having a weave put in; this is what having a weave consists of:

Weaves are braids which are hidden that hold your extensions to your scalp; the braids are really small so are barely noticeable.Your natural hair is weaved with either synthetic or real choices to create a seamless look.It can take hours to have them put in; depending on the volume you want to have.

No matter which of the above you choose, have fun with your choices. If you want to try out a new look then consider feather or clip in options. If you think you want to take a bigger step at wearing them regularly then consider bonding or a weave. Whatever your choice you are sure to create a gorgeous new look.

Writing about hair extensions and products, Samantha Turley aims to provide readers with informative knowledge into her experience gained within this area and offer readers the chance to view a website she has experienced positively. View our collection of hair extension kits today.

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Which Hair Extension Type to Choose

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The Fakhirin said...

kalo botak camne.

jenal sobari said...

bagus banget....
salam kenal,,

Blonde Hair Extensions said...

Your natural hair is weaved with either synthetic or real choices to create a seamless look. hair extensions to buy and are perfect for novices.

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Anonymous said...

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sesuai dengan orangnya

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