Tuesday 26 June 2012

What is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair

What is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair

Did you ever go to the circus side-show to see the bearded lady? Have you ever seen a motorcycle cop with a beard? There are expectations in every society about how our faces should appear. The Amish and Orthodox Jews tend to not worry about facial hair. People in military or police organizations do. Some people like me shave every day of their professional lives and then grow a beard when they retire. Some people just don't want to have to deal with facial hair for one more day. Those are the people who ask "What is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair?

The best way is the one that delivers the desired results at an acceptable cost in time, effort, and money. From an economist point of view, time, effort, and money are risks. With facial hair removal there could also be a health risk. After you find the methods of hair removal that can deliver the results that you want, you will let analysis of the risks decide which method is the best.

You can choose to remove just the part of the hair above the skin. That's called depilation. It is fast and delivers a short-term result requiring routine repetition, minimum initial dollar cost, minimum time investment, minimum pain.

All forms of depilation are short-term solutions. The main objection to these methods is that the skin may be abused in a way that leads to irritation, inflammation, or infection.

Shaving is depilation. Most often shaving is by blade or electric shaver.

Women can choose depilation by the use of chemicals that remove the hair, or a method that resembles sand paper to abrade the hair and exfoliate the skin at the same time.

You can choose to remove the part of the hair below the surface of the skin. That's called epilating. These methods remove the part of the hair below the skin and destroy the part of the root that makes it possible to grow a new hair in that follicle. These methods are potentially permanent but risk high initial dollar cost, significant time investment, and more pain for some people.

If you ever pulled an eyebrow hair with tweezers you were epilating. Tweezing is the base level means of epilating: just pulling the hair out by the roots. An ancient method of pulling out the hair by the roots which is called "threading" was developed in southwest Asia. But in western cultures the most common method of epilating is waxing. Waxing uses melted wax that hardens on the surface of the skin and takes the hair with it as it is pulled off. All kinds of pulling out the hair have some level of pain.

If you want to go high-tech in permanently removing facial hair the two most common approaches are electrolysis and laser.

In electrolysis a thin wire is put into the hair follicle and an electrical voltage is applied, heating the tissue at the base of the hair. This makes it impossible for that follicle to grow a new hair.

In laser hair removal intense light provides the heat that achieves the same result. Both methods produce some temporary pain. Both methods are usually performed by professionals in a professional setting. However, there are systems advertised that make both of these methods available for self administration. At home or in a spa, both ways are costly.

None of the methods described get every hair on the first pass. Given that there may be 700 hairs per square inch, it is not surprising that all of the methods for removing facial hair require multiple applications. Your job is to select the combination of features of time, expense, and objective that will satisfy you.

A.J. Stuart is a writer who specializes in health and fitness. You can check out his latest website at Best Way to Remove Facial Hair, where he provides information and advice on a range of hair removal methods including facial hair removal for women and and men.

More review at www.sourchengine.info and www.latestsearchengine.info.

What is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair

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