Tuesday 26 June 2012

Recovery After Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Recovery After Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Preparing for a breast augmentation can be a complicated affair. If you've already made the decision to go under the knife, you've probably already met with a plastic surgeon and decided upon the details of the surgery. While it's important to get these details confirmed, it's also easy to overlook planning for your recovery. Read on to find out some common problems women have post-op and the best way to avoid them for a smooth healing period.

When deciding the date of your operation, you'll need to allow yourself enough time to heal afterward. You'll need to take at least one week off of work, though most patients choose to stay home for at least two weeks.

A breast augmentation will cause your upper body to be sore for a few days and stiff for a few weeks, and it's essential that you let your body rest so that it can heal properly. Your doctor should give you an exact timeframe, but don't expect to be doing any strenuous activity for about six weeks after your surgery.

On the day of your breast augmentation, you will want to arrange for a friend or family member to bring you to and from the clinic. It's important that you follow all of the doctor's directions on what to do before and after the surgery, and you'll want to brief your caretaker on these as well. After the procedure is finished you will naturally be disoriented, so it helps to have a friend at your side on the first day or so.

At home, you'll want to have a comfortable place that you can rest and recover. Most people feel comfortable in their beds, but a good recliner or comfortable chair can be a nice change of pace when you aren't sleeping. It's best that you spend some time in a sitting or reclining position to reduce swelling, so you may want to invest in a wedge pillow for your bed. These pillows help you maintain good posture while awake and are conducive to reading or watching television.

Dealing with swelling and pain will be your main concern for the first week after the procedure. Luckily, pain usually only lasts for a few days; if you're feeling significant pain after a week you should definitely contact your doctor. Swelling can last for about two weeks and is one of the main reasons you'll want to avoid being in public or working. It's important to wear a medical compression bra until you've fully recovered. These garments are specially designed to apply pressure that reduces swelling and ensures proper healing of the skin. You'll also want to apply ice to the area. Applying for 20 minutes of each hour usually produces the best results.

Aside from these specific notes for breast augmentation surgery, you'll want to follow a general path of surgical recovery. It's best that you relax and engage in soothing yet productive activities to keep your mind at ease. Eating healthy is a must, and you should start to slowly increase the amount of walking you do each day in order to get your body back in working order. Before you know it, you'll be back out in the world with new confidence to conquer it!

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More review at www.sourchengine.info and www.latestsearchengine.info.

Recovery After Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

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Anonymous said...

From what I've read, the recovery after a breast augmentation is not very difficult, however, depends from person to person.

Personally, I've suffered a surgery like this here and besides that I've got my desired result, it wasn't that awful at all, at least not how I expected to be... I love my new measurements :D

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