Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Choosing The Best Circle Lens Color For You

People with lighter or darker eye color have difficulty in choosing the right colors and type of circle lenses that can suit their eyes. It can be quite complicated to modify your eye color and still get that dramatic and natural look you want with most of the circle lens brands available today. Fortunately, you can find numerous companies that can provide lenses that can work on both light and dark eyes.

Circle lenses are definitely popular these days - you can see a lot of celebrities and famous personalities who whose these contacts in order to improve the way they look. Basically, these lenses are specifically made to create an illusion of bigger and more attractive eyes. Since they have bigger diameter, wearing them can improve the size and appearance of your eyes.

There are various circle lens designs and colors that can suit everyone's requirements and lifestyles. 14.0 mm is the most common size and if you want to achieve a natural and slight enlargement, opt for this size. They are just enough to create a natural look and the enlargement is big enough to change the size of your eyes and improve the overall look of your face. This is great for everyday use and can do a lot of wonders in your eyes. If you are aiming for a doll eye appeal and if you want to look great in pictures, choose this size.

How to find the best style of circle lenses for you

If you have lighter skin tone, you won't have much trouble finding the right lenses for your eyes. Generally, purple and gray are considered as the universal color for everyone. However, it is important to note that not all types are the same. There are some individuals who think that dark-rimed circle lenses provide a more enlarging effect to the eye on individuals who have lighter skin tone. Furthermore, those with darker skin tone are recommended to use lenses with no dark rims.

Another important tip - as much as possible, you should wear these lenses to complement with your make up. Women born with good skin may be able to pull it off but this is not the case for most people. Wearing these circle lenses in different color than the natural eyes can bring more focus to the face and at the same time, they can make the eyes look bright.

Learn more about color circle lenses or check out the different circle lens styles.

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