Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Hair Extensions - How To Take Care of Them

Many ladies like to look good. One way in which they do this is by using hair extensions. There are some ladies who have long, natural hair. However, there are others who are not necessarily blessed with long, natural hair. It is for this reason that these ladies look for hair extensions so that they can accentuate their beauty and look more presentable.

In order to use hair extensions well, you have to take care of them. There are certain things that can be done to take care of these extensions. They are outlined below:

Using shampoo - It is important to use shampoo on the hair extensions. You have to know that not all hair shampoos can be used. There are some specific shampoos that are used for cleaning hair extensions. The shampoo usually helps to remove dirt, oil and other environmental contaminants that may be found in the hair. If you don't use shampoo, the extensions will not look good and will even begin to have an odour. Regular cleaning with shampoo is important for the extensions to last longer and to look great. It would be preferable to clean the extensions with shampoo on a daily basis. However, if you don't have the time to clean the extensions daily, you can do it every 3 days. You can also ask your hair stylist for advice on how to clean the hair extensions with shampoo.

Use hair conditioners - In order to make sure that the extensions on your hair are looking great you may have to use hair conditioners. These extensions are usually not attached to the scalp and thus, don't get the natural oils that are produced by your body. You can ask your stylist for advice on the particular type of hair conditioner to use.

Brushing and combing - Just like with normal hair, you have to brush or comb the hair extensions so that they look stylish. Some of them come with special brushes and combs that you can use.

Use a hair dryer - You should use a hair dryer. However, a lot of care needs to be taken when doing so. If the dryer is too close to the hair, it will dry it out and make it easy to break. Thus, you may end up damaging the extensions. If you are not sure on how to use a dryer, you can ask a hair stylist to help you.

You can get more information about hair extensions at

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