Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Foundation For Oily Skin

Foundation For Oily Skin

Sometime people need the best foundation for oily skin to ensure they can cover up the acne blemishes without looking too obvious. Having oily skin can make this difficult, because makeup often give the face a certain, unattractive sheen.

Oily skin can be a big problem for many women because it's so hard to deal with. Most cosmetics are lots really geared specifically for skin with higher than normal levels of oil. And this can cause a lot of problems. If you wear a foundation that is not specifically designed for oil skin, the result can be a whole series of blemish breakouts. Blackheads, whiteheads, and zits all form because there is too much sebum oil in the skin. The excess oil clogs up the pores and interferes with a normally healthy process that keeps the skin nice and lubricated.
This trapped oil mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria to form blackheads. Blackheads can easily lead to acne breakouts if the area around the blackhead gets infected. Thus it's very important to prevent this situation from occurring in the first place. The way to go about doing this is only wear cosmetics for oily skin. These cosmetics are not oil-based and won't trap oil underneath. They essentially allow the skin to breath.
The downside to foundation for oily skin? Water-based makeup products tend not to last as long as oil-based products do. Instead of wearing make the whole day, you only get about half that day. Now this can vary depending from manufacturer, but know that with water-based makeup, you will have less "wear" time than with oil based products.
You should always wear best foundation for oily skin if you have acne-prone skin. The are many oily skin solutions out there for you to chose from which will help you with your problem.
More review at www.sourchengine.info and www.latestsearchengine.info.

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